less then a month ago...My favorite relative. my uncle Norm was diagnosed with cancer with only 3 months to live...
he made it into town on Friday and I herd news he was doing better....
on Saturday the 30th 2012 I was driving over there with hundreds of dollars in hash and weed to smoke with my beloved Uncle. the one man in my family who's not a sexist fuck...the funniest and honestly awesome person...someone who showed me to live... to not take SHIT from the man or anyone!
10 minutes before I arrived there, He died...I was in MOTHER FUCKING LA traffic at his time of death! he actually died at 4:20 pm.....
I walked in 10 minutes too late!!! to see a dead body...
my father, his best friend wasn't even told....never got to see him, My brother didnt make it to see him either. Phillip showed up right after the bod was taken away. he talked to Kristen(Norms daughter, our cousin. his only real child. who is also an amazing person)
I walked in the door and said "welp...Norm's dead" my dad started freaking out! "But they said he was doing better last night!!"
"Well, apparently not...."
anyways...the fact he reached out to me, he wanted to see me...and I DIDN'T MAKE IT FUCKING THERE!!!" God I fucking hate myself...He was such a good man...I should have been there for his last bowl and not that asshole keven...I mean he yousto bitch hard core about how much a dick keven is...and I know he wouldn't never say anything bad about me. I really loved that man.
The last 2 days have been so hard
the image of him lying thee dead is fused in my brain...
I am basing one of my main characters of my cartoon off of him. i HAVE ALREADY BEEN PLANNING ON IT...
he was closer to us then our dad...I have more photos of Norm then my own dad...
Ironically I looked down at my phone to see a text say "Happy 420" from a friend of mine...

he made it into town on Friday and I herd news he was doing better....
on Saturday the 30th 2012 I was driving over there with hundreds of dollars in hash and weed to smoke with my beloved Uncle. the one man in my family who's not a sexist fuck...the funniest and honestly awesome person...someone who showed me to live... to not take SHIT from the man or anyone!
10 minutes before I arrived there, He died...I was in MOTHER FUCKING LA traffic at his time of death! he actually died at 4:20 pm.....
I walked in 10 minutes too late!!! to see a dead body...
my father, his best friend wasn't even told....never got to see him, My brother didnt make it to see him either. Phillip showed up right after the bod was taken away. he talked to Kristen(Norms daughter, our cousin. his only real child. who is also an amazing person)
I walked in the door and said "welp...Norm's dead" my dad started freaking out! "But they said he was doing better last night!!"
"Well, apparently not...."
anyways...the fact he reached out to me, he wanted to see me...and I DIDN'T MAKE IT FUCKING THERE!!!" God I fucking hate myself...He was such a good man...I should have been there for his last bowl and not that asshole keven...I mean he yousto bitch hard core about how much a dick keven is...and I know he wouldn't never say anything bad about me. I really loved that man.
The last 2 days have been so hard

the image of him lying thee dead is fused in my brain...
I am basing one of my main characters of my cartoon off of him. i HAVE ALREADY BEEN PLANNING ON IT...
he was closer to us then our dad...I have more photos of Norm then my own dad...
Ironically I looked down at my phone to see a text say "Happy 420" from a friend of mine...

Well the fact that he did reach out to you and wanted to see you at all means that he loved you and knew of your kind heart. So I'm sure he knows how bad you feel about it, that you were trying to get there, and that it wasn't your fault
I'm really sorry for your loss. Don't hate yourself-you're the bees knees. I'm back on here now, so you can vent to me if you need to at all. I hope you feel better, lovely
when my mother passed away i wasn't around either, so i feel your pain... but probably we'll all meet again... hopefully.... keep your head up!