i met a man...
Gabriel Koerner hes sexy and talented and SO much like me its silly...
and hes actually known for how nerdy he is
i love me some sexy Nerds 
i have actually seen his works too before i met him
heres his reel of works...Gabriel Koerners film history...
he was in like 2 episodes of the drew carry show, Trekkies (both of em), worked on Visual effects on Battlestar Galactica, Speed Racer(why ive got a speed racer shirt on in some new pics smoking bongloads), Lost, The Day After Tommrow, i think he did a few commercials ive seen like the ship in the energiser bunny commercial i happen to remember.. he said he actually had creative control over what the ship looked like
i liked it when i first saw that too
we Both smoke alotta weed, have hyper tension,we both check out both the same men and women. when were together at a party setting we give off a HUGE amount of energy people are attracted to, more so then if either of us were alone, our smiles light up the room. and we have been told this quite alot in the short time weve known each other...we have gotten asked if we were married several times actually.
i think he may have hypoglycemia because the day we met he passed out on me and he has many other symptoms. literally on me...anyways. i ended up falling for him i guess how he fell on me...things have been quite hectic, its all insanity i swear. but at least i am interested in him, hes not boring, or under sexual :/ i think hes just right...for me... i just hope its all okay...
i dont know what im doing, life feels like one huge fucking nightmare, a dream, its just not real enough...
with everything that happens, with all the BAD and the few amazingly good things...uh i guess i just keep on keepin' on...
Gabriel Koerner hes sexy and talented and SO much like me its silly...
and hes actually known for how nerdy he is

i have actually seen his works too before i met him

heres his reel of works...Gabriel Koerners film history...
he was in like 2 episodes of the drew carry show, Trekkies (both of em), worked on Visual effects on Battlestar Galactica, Speed Racer(why ive got a speed racer shirt on in some new pics smoking bongloads), Lost, The Day After Tommrow, i think he did a few commercials ive seen like the ship in the energiser bunny commercial i happen to remember.. he said he actually had creative control over what the ship looked like

we Both smoke alotta weed, have hyper tension,we both check out both the same men and women. when were together at a party setting we give off a HUGE amount of energy people are attracted to, more so then if either of us were alone, our smiles light up the room. and we have been told this quite alot in the short time weve known each other...we have gotten asked if we were married several times actually.
i think he may have hypoglycemia because the day we met he passed out on me and he has many other symptoms. literally on me...anyways. i ended up falling for him i guess how he fell on me...things have been quite hectic, its all insanity i swear. but at least i am interested in him, hes not boring, or under sexual :/ i think hes just right...for me... i just hope its all okay...
i dont know what im doing, life feels like one huge fucking nightmare, a dream, its just not real enough...
with everything that happens, with all the BAD and the few amazingly good things...uh i guess i just keep on keepin' on...
i just started hackee sacking in hollywood and people pull over and join you playing calypso music within seconds and smoke you out right on the street fucking corner! its fucking badass out there! so shit like that can make up for the lack of parking and left hand turns...
being in love fills me with anxiety, so its like im not letting the feeling in, just the anxiety seems in...
and fills me with fear...
I've been a home peritoneal dialysis patient since labor day 2006.