ALSO POSTED photos. Nudes! FROM ME REJECTED SETS! SO i better get some awesome Comments!! id love love love love that!

please done be crude. i prefer humor. dry? flattery gets you everywhere

Im VERY sad because im gonna take Kiwi back to my dads house to live there. so she can wonder free and not worry about danger like here. i WANT to be with my cat! shes like my fucking baby... shes my other part. i cant die because shes here and she wont die cuz im still here. shes 15 and im 21 so shes been a VERY large part of my life! my muse cat! anyhow im very very sad but the decision has to be made! le gonna fucking miss her! i HATE living here! i wish i could live there with her...
i hate listing to mike, and living with him, were not even together and its a GIANT fucking tease because i still have strong feelings for him. i don't sleep like at all. i hate my shower...its shit here. and today my roommates FREAKED out on me hardcore! banging on the windows cursing all over the fucking was vulgar and ugly. and when i explained that what they were yelling at me for was a misunderstanding. they told me to change the kitty liter OR start dumping it somewhere else. i changed the type and got yelled at way the fuck more! so now i get another annoying e-mail just saying to put it some were else doesn't matter what type now. so i decided kiwis not happy here anyhow. im far from happy... uuhhh le sigh. everyone so mean to me...
its getting really obvious to me that my memory is total SHIT. i mean ive always known ive had a shitty memory... its just getting really bad. terrible short term memory. some people get SOO offended when they im me and i dont reconise em. dude it takes ALOT for me to actually really reconise someone...
mmm tasty Joints! Thankyou Dave!

hope u don't mind i posted some of the giff's i made
I really like your kitty pics.... I love kitty cats and yours is just gorgeous!!!
Love the animated gif's