When im dead...
because if it happen while i was alive i may be bitched at for it. unless it was like across the world
but anyways it would be REALLY COOL to see my signature tagged all over the place. its a great signature and i wish i could graffiti it but
you know its my bloody name. so i guess if people like my art maybe they can sign my name in like other country's or states ect... like just the signiture... it may catch on way after im dead.
i think this is one of my favorite signatures looking back on it. it would also make a great tattoo.. my cousin said shed get it on her when/if i die. theirs so many to choose from too
that's ideia makes me so happy...anyways
this photo was a girl on SG. shit i cant member who. but i know i posted it on her profile. i always do that.
i think really looking at how my hands work and the way i sign and the way my brain works my signiture is like a mix in between Disney and Dali
any thoughts on that?
sorry everyone if i seem really grumpy lately. i REALLY dont feel all that great.
because if it happen while i was alive i may be bitched at for it. unless it was like across the world

but anyways it would be REALLY COOL to see my signature tagged all over the place. its a great signature and i wish i could graffiti it but

i think this is one of my favorite signatures looking back on it. it would also make a great tattoo.. my cousin said shed get it on her when/if i die. theirs so many to choose from too

this photo was a girl on SG. shit i cant member who. but i know i posted it on her profile. i always do that.
i think really looking at how my hands work and the way i sign and the way my brain works my signiture is like a mix in between Disney and Dali


sorry everyone if i seem really grumpy lately. i REALLY dont feel all that great.

nice drawings!