Happy egg day...
quote of the day: "isn't Jesus like all of our fathers?"
so i wanted to wait till i had a 'good' photo of my tattoo...but eh i want u all to see it!
so heres my new tat! im gonna eventually get a whole space sleeve!
so the sleeve is gonna wrap around my arm around 'GOD' up my over my shoulder and then get sucked into the Fibonacci sequence... its gonna be sweeeeet! and! mikes gonna finally let me get a job that involves me making the kinda money i deserve.. so now i can make my goals in reasonable time!
heh too bad my phone just got shut off... it should be up in a few days tho...
i put up some drawings sense i didnt have many good new photos...ive been sleeping alot because ive been really tired in general...
quote of the day: "isn't Jesus like all of our fathers?"
so i wanted to wait till i had a 'good' photo of my tattoo...but eh i want u all to see it!
so heres my new tat! im gonna eventually get a whole space sleeve!
so the sleeve is gonna wrap around my arm around 'GOD' up my over my shoulder and then get sucked into the Fibonacci sequence... its gonna be sweeeeet! and! mikes gonna finally let me get a job that involves me making the kinda money i deserve.. so now i can make my goals in reasonable time!
i put up some drawings sense i didnt have many good new photos...ive been sleeping alot because ive been really tired in general...
tattoo designs
little self portrait
always such tasty lookin' buds... I wish we could toke! Someday!
I feel like I've said this before, lol.
That tattoo is BANGIN' lol...
cutie pie!
Hello, neighbor