Hello, how are you? that's okay, in my homework today I came to tell you what's mine
favorite game, prepare your keyboards and your headphones now comes a story as if it were a gameplay. Let's go.

World of Wacraft, an online RPG game where you can create your characters and increase your level with quests, battles, tasks,
that whatever is ready / prepared for...
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Oooo that is such a tough choice. Ome of my all time favourites is Baldur's Gate 2 for PC back in the day. Best RPG ever made. And I really enjoyed Half Life 2 as well. And Zelda: Breath of the Wild is pretty amazing.

Hey muchachos, I came to give the air of grace here, in the last few days it has been half-way, so I'm not
updating a lot, but whenever I can, I leave you with many posts, from blogs, homework, some photos,
So I came to update you, how's my day to day, let's go?
Last week I went to a arcade, it was a long...
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Hey guys, I came to tell you something I like to do a lot, enjoy the light of day in the morning,
I'm not much of a fan of the sun itself, but its light favors many things, and one of them is taking pictures, always
that I have an opportunity I take it as if it were a golden chance, in my city the...
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Hi @rambo and @missy


Hello beautiful people, this week my homework is about my pet, my little dog Pazuzu, so let's go.
In the middle of the year 2017 i see that would have an adoption fair near my house, of puppies and adult dogs
who needed a home, so I went to see her as she was, I got in the place and...
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Oooowh sweetie ❀