Oh my goodness you guys!!!
It has been one hell of a bloody last few months that's for sure!
For the past 2 months hubs and I have been house hunting to buy our first home. It was a tough road for sure! We live in a high military family area so homes come on the market and they are gone within days. It was kind of like a snatch and grab the second it came available kind of thing. This friday we shall be closing on our home and be moving in the next 2 weeks
In the past few months I have had multiple dr's appointments, a knee surgery and found out all kinds of nifty shit about this bloody autoimmune disease I have. I've been suffering from insomnia and on top of all that, photography is keeping me very busy for sure.
I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can do an outdoor set for everyone :) Unfortunately with the weather been a smidge cold here in FL, I turn purple and it isn't a pleasant look for pictures LOL
I am still here though and I have missed you all so damn much!
Just a nice oldie pic for you all to let you all know I still love you :)