So I was out at my local club last night where I am a smidge of a regular, but I started cutting back because business got crazy and my health went wild and what not.
I'm hanging out with some girlfriends and like usual guys come up and chit chat and what not. Well I go off and talk to one of my buddies who is with a group of his military friends and the subject of Suicide Girls comes up. The comment of "there is no way you are on Suicide girls, you dress to classy for that". I was in complete and utter shock!!! I explained that just because we are Suicide Girls, or in my Case a Hopeful, doesn't mean that we go out with my tits and vag hanging out all day every bloody day. We are woman just like everyone else in this world. I went on to explain that we all have our own unique personalities and it just so happens that I dress more business like with a bit of spunk to it LOL I believe my exact comment was "The Soccer mom you wished you had" LMFAO
Yah that's me, House wife, mommy to 3 kids, driving a minivan, Photography business owner, Direct Sales consultant and living a life like everyone else. HOWEVER, I cannot stand to be stereo typed as some fucking prude all because I dress semi sophisticated.
I left my comment with that goober as "Maybe you should come on the site and come meet some of the ladies and you shall see how we are all different in our own ways. We all have different interests, hobbies, and clothing choices. Come in with a open mind, and stop stereo typing"
So anyways, here I am sporting my big ass smile in the dirty ass bathroom of the Bar I attend some weekends.
Just because I dress "sophisticated" doesn't mean I don't like to get nude and flaunt my shit all over the Internet for fun bahahaha
Don't judge people by their appearance, because that granny in front of you at the grocery store might just be into BDSM :)