Do you ever fell like everyone around you is simulated? There is nothing that I hate more in this world than phony people. AND THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!

I'm guilty of not showing my true feelings, but really if you don't like me, don't be nice to me especially to my face. I know how you really are when my back is turned.

I am one...
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What bugs me are people who are total stereotypes - bimbos/jerkwads and.they.don't.even.realize.it.
Ah thanks so much. smile actally my last two sets were taken by a friend of mine who is going to school for photography. Her name is Michele.
It has been soooo long since my last blog! Not really worth having an account if I don't use it.

I finally sat down and watched Mulholland Drive this last weekend. Going to say that it is my favorite Lynch movie thus far. He creates such beautiful nightmares. And wonderful discussions afterwards shocked

Also started Dexter. Is it wrong to have a crush on a serial...
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Fucking stupid zupas cafe...They fired seven of us tuesday...including my boyfriend and I. So they took away all our income knowing we live together and have bills to pay...They didn't even give us any warning or anything...
Here are my tax dollars going to good use...

And Americans don't want to spend any money on health care reform...

Geeze eeek LOL
So the Husand and I decided to try and make our own perry (hard pear cider) this year. We cut over fifteen gallons of pears last night and mushed them up into a yummy sauce. Tonight we will be pressing them to extract all the juices and adding the yeast. After that point I, myself am unsure of what to do blush
We should have the...
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i dont like pear very much, but that one seem tasty.. maybe for the colour..
So one word to describe the Tool concert. Repost. I have been to that same concert three times now. The only difference was that they took out one song. frown I am heart broken to say the least. They will always be my favorite band, and I am very greatful that they came to the SLC but I can't help but to feel a little bitter......
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Thanks for agreeing to be friends.
I hate it when you see a gig that feels like it's come straight off the production line.