What's up with me and my so called friends this month?!
i dunno. but i just lost another one recently. Really sucks too cause we would hang out together alllll the time and now i don't even want to look at him in the face cause i feel betrayed like woah. Kinda funny how you could be friends with someone for years and you think you know them but it turns out they're not at all like you thought they were.
Sooo...anywho.... Friday i had promised my best bud Rolando i would hit up the show he was throwing at The Wiggle Room. That place was sooooo fuckin' crowded. Mind you i've gone to various shows there and it's nevvver been that packed....'twas s-w-e-e-t. I particularly enjoyed Dance Like Robots
set. I'm mos def going to have to check out more of their shows. They had a keg at that gig too....so yeah....that made me jump for joy...although i had packed my corona 24's like usual. My friend Juan and I were keeping it straight gangsta that night! haha.
We wanted to go drunken swimming after the show....but none of my pussy ass friends wanted to partake in me and juan's drunken festivities so we went to some ghetto ass southside Taco Cabana and glared at mexican hoodrats instead. Things get dangerous when i hang out with Juan....i gotta pack my knife when we're going to chill together. Which reminds me...i never told you the story of the time we nearly got in an alley fight downtown with some puerto rican thugs...ahh yes....i'll save that one for when i have more time
Saturday i set my alarm clock bright and early so i could get my hands on some NIN tickets. Only to be devastated at hearing the news that they had already sold out of G.A. tickets as SOON as those bitchez went on sale!!!!!
Talk about not even having a chance! Sucks big fat donkey CACK! but ahhh well.... i bought tickets anyway...even though i'm going to have to be in a SEAT! boooo. But they're in a decent area....and at least i'm going to see NIN
To cure my feelings of sadness from that ticket fiasco....i decided to put a big smile on my face and go blow money at M.A.C. I'm such a M.A.C whore....it's terrible. But....they just released a new series of make-up and i just haddddddd to have it.
Damn if i worked for that company i would actually be overjoyed to go to work. I gave one of my friends a make-over last week...and she came out amazing....i love making chics feel all glamorous and diva-like....i even did my friend's make-up for her wedding last weekend. I sooo need to get a job there...and get that mad discount on products.
I FINALLY saw Charlie and The Chocolate Factory . My friend and i got drunk and went to check it out Monday. It was pretty trippy
to say the least! i enjoyed it a great deal
My friend was trying to score some mushrooms before we went to see it....and i can only imagine how insane it would have been to be in that state and checking it out. talk about an intense trip. hahahahaha.
I'm saying good-bye to red hair this week.
I've been dying it red since i was like 15....but it's a damn pain in the ass... Cause in case you're not aware, red is the fastest color to fade. So i've decided to dye it black again....and dye a big chunk of it on one side blonde. kinda like a cruella/skunk looking 'do. haha. So i'm getting my hair "did" at the salon come thursday...and getting it layered while i'm there. Pictures will come shortly after
oh yeah and before i forget...I'd like to introduce you all to my future husband-->
My last name will soon be Wu. He will be mine....oh yes...he will be mine
And being the easily amused girl that i am....go laugh at some old geezers fighting and hurting their old bones. WATCH ME BITCH

Sooo...anywho.... Friday i had promised my best bud Rolando i would hit up the show he was throwing at The Wiggle Room. That place was sooooo fuckin' crowded. Mind you i've gone to various shows there and it's nevvver been that packed....'twas s-w-e-e-t. I particularly enjoyed Dance Like Robots

Saturday i set my alarm clock bright and early so i could get my hands on some NIN tickets. Only to be devastated at hearing the news that they had already sold out of G.A. tickets as SOON as those bitchez went on sale!!!!!

To cure my feelings of sadness from that ticket fiasco....i decided to put a big smile on my face and go blow money at M.A.C. I'm such a M.A.C whore....it's terrible. But....they just released a new series of make-up and i just haddddddd to have it.

I FINALLY saw Charlie and The Chocolate Factory . My friend and i got drunk and went to check it out Monday. It was pretty trippy

I'm saying good-bye to red hair this week.

oh yeah and before i forget...I'd like to introduce you all to my future husband-->

And being the easily amused girl that i am....go laugh at some old geezers fighting and hurting their old bones. WATCH ME BITCH

nor will i allow for you to not be in on this new contest.
bitch ass.