YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm soooooooooo glad the semester is over. this semester blowed sooooo much ass!
Wednesday was my last day for finals and i had it set in my head that i was going to celebrate that night. I think i exceeded my expectations when i went to
the Sanctuary that evening. There was like 25 bands playing and $2 beer. let's just say...i had 2 beers in my hand most of the night. haha.

my friend Eddie made it out to the show and we enjoyed making fun of all of the retard headbangers that were
moshing to this one band that wasn't even worthy. 
it was hilarious. but that pit wasn't shit...compared to this band
Full Blown Aids set...oh my gahh. People were leaving their set with bloody noses and cracked ribs...haha. it was insane...and i enjoyed watching every minute of it! hehe. Eddie and i took various pics together that night...and i think this was the most decent one we received-->

(OBVIOUSLY we weren't the only drunk ones there that night!) haha. here's some other pics taken that evening-->

(my favorite lush Danny),

(antonio acting convinced that he looks like Johnny Depp),

(Rolando and his new crush Echo),

(me pinching darryl's nips...i don't even remember this)

(roland headbanging to Yoshimoto haha.),

(motherfucking TRANSPONDER), and...

(YOSHIMOTO!). after they practically kicked us all out we headed over to LuLu's for breakfast where i don't have much recollection of...but roland informs me that it involved my friend naomi putting ketchup on my toe and wiping some off with a french fry.

yeah...haha...i feel sorry for the poor waiter that took care of us.
The rest of the weekend was spent at
The Lounge where i checked out
The Moriartys 
The Offbeats
....after hours included a LOT of shit talking by Roland.

yeah...i dunno...it sux...cause he's like my best friend...but he managed to really push my buttons this weekend
NOT COOL. i just don't appreciate the fact that he's constantly giving me shit about guys. it's not my fucking fault he doesn't seem to like any of the guys i talk to...and then we always go out to eat after these gigs with a whole group of people and he has to announce his beef with the whole table. ugh. the drama.

JUNE 22nd is
Planet of the Drums!!! i can't wait!!!! my old school raving buddy Knowledge is going to hit this up with me in Austin. It's been soooooooooo long!

i don't know if i can even dance anymore haha.

nah...those sweet ass d & b beatz will get me going again! damn i wish the scene was like it used to be...i used to have a blasssssssssst going to all of the parties. and the people were so chill. hahahaha...here's a blast from the past--->

(when i was 18...and still VERY much a club kid) hahahahahaha...these old raving pics make me laugh my ass off. but at least i wasn't as bad as this:

...i actually went to dance and didn't go just to trade candy and score e...but none the less...i laugh at the way i used to look.
Sooooooo....until next time...SG...i bid thee farewell.....and here's a video in dedication to all of those ravers out there hehehehe....