-->Damn today was fun...well waking up for my chem lab this morning sucked the cack...but afterschool my friend Adolph invited me to Red Lobster so i can add some rolls to my stomach. That shit was soooo good...damn...i ate like it was the last supper. Afterwards we went to the mall to buy shit we really don't need and i spotted in the arcade this dude dancing like this guy on that dancing game-->

me and adolph started laughing hysterically at this loser and ran to the arcade so we could

this guy was sooooo into it...doing "spirit fingers" and all....he even had a bottle of water there cause he was breaking a sweat and shit...i wish i would have had my cam on me hahaha...i'm so easily amused. We had a blast playing all kinds of video games....it's crazy how much the technology in these games have advanced....all virtual reality style...not like the street fighter games i used to play back in my arcade dayz.
i haven't worked in forevvvvvvvvver....i stopped by work today just to get someone to switch shifts with me on saturday and everyone was like..." you still work here?!" hahahaha...i'm sorry...but the Olive Garden makes me wanna

i hate the management and i hate the crew...with the exception of a handful of people there... fuck i need a new job
i'm gonna try and go to the karaoke fiesta
Hibiskiss is throwing..but i need to find out what time
Ledaswan is playing and what time
Antares Sky's set is at cause i was going to hit up both of those...i'm gonna be all over the place come Friday...we should all go to the strip for the after party so things can get scandelous and we can get free breakfast. hahaha...i'll MOST DEFINITELY be there to par take in that! you aint gotta tell me twice
here's another video that had me giggling like a lil school girl -->
click me
FACEPLANT is the best way to start the morning, so long as it's a stranger (or at least someone you don't like).
I'm going to forego packing for my move and spend the day watching that video and the bootleg Star Wars III trailer I got last night