So yeah...i was not expecting to get drunk yesterday at the club. i still had a hangover from Friday...but damn...peer pressure is a fuckin' bitch. I blame's all his fault
he kept sassing me cause i didn't wanna i finally gave in...and that lil fucker got me throwed.
He left wasted just the it was alright i guess...hehe. rawhed and HappyGrl bumped into me there...pardon my drunkeness by the way
This is why i stick to corona...and not the naughty liquor...cause it sneaks up on you before you know it.
Girls in a Coma were great last night...i really heart that band. Leda Swan were bad ass as well. Roland wants to throw a joint b-day party like the 2nd week of december for both of us...and he's already been discussing this with Leda Swan, Girls in a Coma, and The New Blend and they're all down for playing at the party'll all go through..and i can have a big birthday celebration with my partner in crime.
damn me..for getting to drunk to go to Philip's afterwards...i didn't even hang with ROland after the club either...
boo me....i took off cause i knew if i went to any of the after parties i wouldn't be able to drive home again like i did on sucks when you get to the point that your friends have to take your keys away...ahh least i didn't have to
at all....just woke up with a nasty headache on Saturday morning.
so today...i'm being a good lil girl and i came home more alchy for me for a lil while
i can't wait till turkey day!!!!!!! damn...i love food. i'll probably gain 10 pounds after this weekend
...and then i'll have to fast for a month...hehe...but thanksgiving dinner is sooooo worth it. Sooooooooo....i'm going to catch up on my sleep...cause it was definitely lacking this weekend....hope you all had lots of fun, sex, and rock and roll

i can't wait till turkey day!!!!!!! damn...i love food. i'll probably gain 10 pounds after this weekend

I was tattooing bronze beauty this weekend and I was talking to her about you... GOOD THINGS
Keep with the Coronas and stay well