My Car got Broken into tonight!
i got off of work early and my friend Jesse from work had invited me to the movies so we went to go see "the Village" by the way the movie wasn't AT ALL what i was hoping for...anywho we're walking back to my car and from a distance i see shattered glass on my back driver's side heart sinks at this moment....(i just bought this brand new car last month mind you) i run to my car and immediately look in it and THANKFULLY not ONE thing is stolen. i would have been sooooooo devastated if they had stolen my cds...but no everything was in tact. Some other chic in the parking lot got her vehicle broken into also and they took EVERYTHING including her wedding rings and even her damn clothes! so looks like tomorrow i'll be getting my window repaired
i'm still a lil jittery...i'm so glad they didn't steal my car. San Antonio has been full of crime lately there's all kinds of home invasions that's been reported on the news lately it's a lil i'm going to be even more paranoid about where i park my car at and i'm going to install my alarm pronto.
all I can think to say is my fav thing to say in situations like this: fuckin ay!