So I dont know how many of you Hoop?
But i have been hooping for a little less then 6 months and fianly have a imac, and fiinaly have a camera So I can start updating stuff here!
So are all of you guys getting ready for Christmas?
this is my latest and newest vid on sustained hooping
<iframe src="" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="">hoop sustained spinning, shoulder hooping FoxRed</a> from <a href="">Fox Red</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
this is a vid after I had a workshop with Baxter and Brecken

But i have been hooping for a little less then 6 months and fianly have a imac, and fiinaly have a camera So I can start updating stuff here!
So are all of you guys getting ready for Christmas?
this is my latest and newest vid on sustained hooping
<iframe src="" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="">hoop sustained spinning, shoulder hooping FoxRed</a> from <a href="">Fox Red</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
this is a vid after I had a workshop with Baxter and Brecken

I will be in Italy during the holidays and i will be back in january.
Do u have already a location we could shoot?