I've got a master class to perform in today... I'm a bit nervous, just because this lady is like the opera lady. Spring break is coming soon, and my membership here will be ending on the 5th (my birthday), but I'm fairly sure that I'll renew. I'm planning on going to San Fransisco for break with a few friends... anyone know of any cool places...
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My fingers hurt and I'm happyyyy.... I've been playing guitar, and I'm starting to be able to actually play things. I can play She's Moved On now. And I really really enjoy this. Yep, that's all. I'm all nonsensical and on a guitar high.

I need some comapany in my empty apartment, so what should I get?
Another beta fish? (I already have the tank and filter from a previous one)
A rat?
A chameleon?
A guinea pig?
A rabbit?
A turtle?
or... should I make a trip to Arizona and smuggle back a sugarglider or a hedgehog. Unfortunetly, they're illegal in California, but what isn't?
.... or perhaps...
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Another beta fish? (I already have the tank and filter from a previous one)
A rat?
A chameleon?
A guinea pig?
A rabbit?
A turtle?
or... should I make a trip to Arizona and smuggle back a sugarglider or a hedgehog. Unfortunetly, they're illegal in California, but what isn't?
.... or perhaps...
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I'm a fan of gpigs, but they need socialization like mad. Unless you have mucho spare time, it's two or more or none with them.
Hmm... I'm a little low on the mucho spare time factor. I'm always disgustingly busy with school. I found out today that my future roommate (a really good friend of mine) will be moving in sooner than I thought. So, I'm going to get a fish to tide myself over until she moves in, then we'll get a more substantial pet that will get enough attention between the two of us.
The best I can get in accompanying now is a C. It's a class that is supposed to be an easy A, and I got an A in it last semester. This is because my accompanist can't memorize her music, which I've had memorized from day one. And because she lies and says that I didn't show up when she cancelled on me, and because...
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Bring it up with the professor in a level-headed, non-whiny way. Most college problems can be solved by having a civil discussion with the correct authority figure.
Yep, ended up doing that and we have a B now. So, it all worked out.
New apartment. I move in on September 1st. It's a 1 bed/1bath behind a house, and in the middle of a gorgeous garden. It has a really shitty fridge and oven, though. And I'm not sure if it has a dish washer or not...
Well comic con is over. I saw this ad for some home and garden show at the convention center, and it made me feel like this is the longest possible time til I can go to comic con again, which it is. The con was amazing... pretty much all I have to say about that business is that I love Billy West!!! He was signing...
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I miss COmic-Con. I haven't been since 2000. Even when I'm *IN* California, I can't seem to make it there.
Con rocked!
that said, for the free Tofutti coupon dealie, if you want your zip extension and you can't find it on your mail, put your address into www.mapblast.com and click get map and it will tell you your zip extension. hope that helps!
that said, for the free Tofutti coupon dealie, if you want your zip extension and you can't find it on your mail, put your address into www.mapblast.com and click get map and it will tell you your zip extension. hope that helps!
I guess I'm moving out of my cute little apartment soon because of money problems. It's alright, though. I can find a place just as cute in the same location, but a little bit smaller. I'm actually kind of excited to have a smaller place that will be easier to decorate. My current place is so sparsly furnished. This summer has been weird. I have...
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I wish I could head down to Comic Con. I went back in 2000, and here I am in California, but it's just too far and they don't give me anywhere near enough time off.
Sometimes smaller is better... Unless you are a packrat like me and have to live in a freaking box.
Sometimes smaller is better... Unless you are a packrat like me and have to live in a freaking box.
Went to Rocky Horror randomly last night, which was cool. It was nice being able to go and not have to do the virgin stuff, but watch your friends do it instead. Dropped my math class, which, I think, in the long run will be better because sight-singing is more useful to me and my major. Plus math sucks a big one. My car is...
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Classes were over last week and so ends my freshman year of college. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing this summer... all I know is that I'm definitely taking a 5 week math class, but after that no more math ever for the rest of my life! I want to get a sight-singing tutor because I have to audition for choirs next year, and...
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I miss having summers off.
But sounds good that you plan on being productive *and* have some fun too.
And go on a trip somewhere. Somewhere you've never been before. You can NEVER do enough of that!
But sounds good that you plan on being productive *and* have some fun too.
And go on a trip somewhere. Somewhere you've never been before. You can NEVER do enough of that!
I don't think my nieghboors like it when I practice. I don't exactly have much of a choice, though. I have juries in like two weeks, and I still need to memorize two pieces completely. I think I'm pretty good shape, though, considering I know some people from my teacher's studio who have one song done. I've got my six under my belt. Fuck yeah!...
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Well, at least you know what you want to do and seem to be good at it!
Took me 30 years to find something I like that I'm good at...
Took me 30 years to find something I like that I'm good at...
Yeah, I really love it. I just had an amazing voice lesson today that really perked up things for me. I feel like I'm making great progress. Thanks for the comment, and I'll add you. And, hey, at least you found what youre good at eventually.
One of my SG friends lives in the City. Drop her a line.yseult87