Ok then folks i have been lame on the update, but this is because i have been out there *points out the window* taking life by its big fat sweaty balls.
Enjoying the company of many friends, the lick of warm sun on my skin and many a pint of guinness. today i fly back to iceland for a week and i am attempting to get my head around the fact that the weather is forecast somewhere between -2 and -11. its 15 here and i suspect jack frost will lay his icey fingers on me in a way i cannot ignore. however i will be kept more than warm regardless,
yet another new haircut. what can i say, i bore easily.

Enjoying the company of many friends, the lick of warm sun on my skin and many a pint of guinness. today i fly back to iceland for a week and i am attempting to get my head around the fact that the weather is forecast somewhere between -2 and -11. its 15 here and i suspect jack frost will lay his icey fingers on me in a way i cannot ignore. however i will be kept more than warm regardless,
yet another new haircut. what can i say, i bore easily.

haha! guess who got himself an account!
haha! guess who got himself an account?!