I'm starting to bleach out my hair again.
I've taken to wearing Royal Blue colored contacts.
I don't know how to cook potatoes. They turn into grey blobs in my hands.
I think I'm going to do this: http://www.scriptfrenzy.org/ Since I'm not acting.
Watched "Les Contes du Hoffman" on PBS this morning, it's an amazing opera.
Best quote from hanging out with friends this weekend: "I don't want a beautiful soul. No one wants to fuck a soul."

It needs to stop being cold and raining. I'm ready for summer!
C'est tout.

ETA: The most exciting part of my rainy Sunday: EATING A CHERIMOYA
To me, it tastes like a pineapple/pear/apple/banana fruit baby. I ate it frozen.

Look! It's a heart!

Cut in half - I think mine was starting to go bad/overripe, but it was still delicious!

I peeled off the skin like an avocado and sat down to eat it.

I thought there were only four seeds in the middle...

But apparently, it's like a watermelon! There were millions! (Please forgive the ketchup stained veggie burger plate...)
And now I'm watching a movie on PBS that has Sean Bean (you know, the other human guy in "LOTR") and Padma Lakshmi (the "Top Chef" host lady) in some sort of British/Indian War movie... I started watching halfway through, so I have no idea what's going on!
Finally: I think the key to enjoyment is all in the rhythm.

And Script Frenzy? Dooo eeeet!