Well, time for a new post. No, no pink hair yet. But soon my pretties!
Goals for today:
1) Go see Bettina's show in DC - any SGDCers should come with me, it's only $10! I'm going to see if I can get some friends who live down there to join me in some Burlesque fun, it looks like it's going to be a good show!
2) Dye hair pink.
See not so hard now is it?
I still have a pretty full plate lately. My friend asked me to join the cast of "RENT" that's going on - which I think is pretty brilliant, "RENT" as a Christmas show? Way better than some nativity scene, right?
I'm just kidding! But at least "RENT" makes it possible for a role AND pink hair, which I'm pretty stoked about both.
"View From the Bridge" went well according to us actors, but our poor director got slammed for 'not communicating well' with us. Which I think is bullshit - she couldn't help that we were not good actors, she got what she got. If we had problems with our lines or whatnot, that's our fault as actors, not hers.
Anyway, our cast had a ton of fun with each other and the show and I only felt bad that the reviews blasted our director because she tried really hard and this was her first attempt at a full-length play.
I've decided to audition for "Pippin"! But I think it's mainly cause I've only seen 8 other people signed up and I figure my chances are pretty good... Is that so wrong?
I also got a lot of other things to do - but they are boring and full of tedious adult-life. I won't bog you down here with it.
Holiday time!
I'm such a mush - I think I've cried at like every single holiday special. I'm not usually an emotional or sentimental person and I don't necessarily want to go "home" for the holidays. (Heck, I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and cried that my dad used to yell at us like that during the holidays.) But I think my hormones are all messed up. (I have lady issues I don't want to really go into in depth, but you can probably guess...) Anyway - here are some things making me crack up lately:

Goals for today:
1) Go see Bettina's show in DC - any SGDCers should come with me, it's only $10! I'm going to see if I can get some friends who live down there to join me in some Burlesque fun, it looks like it's going to be a good show!

2) Dye hair pink.
See not so hard now is it?

I still have a pretty full plate lately. My friend asked me to join the cast of "RENT" that's going on - which I think is pretty brilliant, "RENT" as a Christmas show? Way better than some nativity scene, right?

"View From the Bridge" went well according to us actors, but our poor director got slammed for 'not communicating well' with us. Which I think is bullshit - she couldn't help that we were not good actors, she got what she got. If we had problems with our lines or whatnot, that's our fault as actors, not hers.

I've decided to audition for "Pippin"! But I think it's mainly cause I've only seen 8 other people signed up and I figure my chances are pretty good... Is that so wrong?

I also got a lot of other things to do - but they are boring and full of tedious adult-life. I won't bog you down here with it.
Holiday time!
I'm such a mush - I think I've cried at like every single holiday special. I'm not usually an emotional or sentimental person and I don't necessarily want to go "home" for the holidays. (Heck, I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and cried that my dad used to yell at us like that during the holidays.) But I think my hormones are all messed up. (I have lady issues I don't want to really go into in depth, but you can probably guess...) Anyway - here are some things making me crack up lately: