Some more pictures of me as a dude:

Duke (Acts 1 & 2) - but people think I look like Harry Potter

Duke (Acts 3-5) - but I think I look like a cross between John Lennon, Jim Belushi and Penny Marshall
ETA: My mom says people are going to think I'm gay if I dress like a guy and play a guy on stage. Oh, mom... I love her, but dammit is she frustrating!

Duke (Acts 1 & 2) - but people think I look like Harry Potter

Duke (Acts 3-5) - but I think I look like a cross between John Lennon, Jim Belushi and Penny Marshall
ETA: My mom says people are going to think I'm gay if I dress like a guy and play a guy on stage. Oh, mom... I love her, but dammit is she frustrating!