So this morning is my big day off (and I'm on SG first, what?
1) I dreamed I was in prison and wok up with tears running down my face. I'm really stressed out about this show.
Apparently dreaming you're in prison means someone is censoring me and I'm not being allowed to express myself. My creativity is being limited.
I think I'm just tired of being tired. Like any community theatre show, there's a lot of dissent and resentment growing in the ranks.
- People don't like working 30 hour weeks on something they are not getting paid for.
- People are not liking getting yelled at by the director for scenes not being rehearsed yet (with 3 days until we open) - they feel the director should have scheduled better instead of being imposed upon to work on their own time to figure out their own blocking and lines.
- And people don't like being yelled at by the director for not knowing lines (or not saying the EXACT lines) since it's not something they can control as easily as blocking or emoting.
- Granted this is an entire four hour Shakespeare play that has only been rehearsed in a month - that's pretty good. The director seems to think we're going to run a show in 2 and a half hours, but the script if 105 pages long and there are several large musical numbers added in between scenes. There is NO WAY this is a 3-3.5 hour show AT LEAST! I feel our audiences are going to be overwhelmed and we're not making Shakespeare very accessible.
I can't really blame the director, she's really tired too. But I do think she's being unfair when she gets frustrated with the actors. I hate to make this analogy, but it's like being frustrated with children. Everyone learns at different rates, and I'm sure the show will be good by the time we open. We're just all stressed out because no one sees it coming together yet.
2) I'm going to visit my family in Pittsburgh in a week for TWO WHOLE WEEKS! I cannot wait! I know there's going to be a lot of the typical family fights (as you can expect when four grown adults with their own agendas live under one tiny roof....), But I am still very excited to be going home and seeing everyone, since I have not been home in a year.
3) Finally after Thanksgiving I'm going to be able to change my life a little. I think it's time that I need to stop doing theatre and focus on leaving Virginia - so if anyone knows of any job opportunities in a nice low cost of living area let me know!
I wish I could get back to sleep but I got grown up things to do (ie bills) and lines to memorize. Hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday off as well!

1) I dreamed I was in prison and wok up with tears running down my face. I'm really stressed out about this show.

Apparently dreaming you're in prison means someone is censoring me and I'm not being allowed to express myself. My creativity is being limited.
I think I'm just tired of being tired. Like any community theatre show, there's a lot of dissent and resentment growing in the ranks.
- People don't like working 30 hour weeks on something they are not getting paid for.
- People are not liking getting yelled at by the director for scenes not being rehearsed yet (with 3 days until we open) - they feel the director should have scheduled better instead of being imposed upon to work on their own time to figure out their own blocking and lines.
- And people don't like being yelled at by the director for not knowing lines (or not saying the EXACT lines) since it's not something they can control as easily as blocking or emoting.
- Granted this is an entire four hour Shakespeare play that has only been rehearsed in a month - that's pretty good. The director seems to think we're going to run a show in 2 and a half hours, but the script if 105 pages long and there are several large musical numbers added in between scenes. There is NO WAY this is a 3-3.5 hour show AT LEAST! I feel our audiences are going to be overwhelmed and we're not making Shakespeare very accessible.
I can't really blame the director, she's really tired too. But I do think she's being unfair when she gets frustrated with the actors. I hate to make this analogy, but it's like being frustrated with children. Everyone learns at different rates, and I'm sure the show will be good by the time we open. We're just all stressed out because no one sees it coming together yet.
2) I'm going to visit my family in Pittsburgh in a week for TWO WHOLE WEEKS! I cannot wait! I know there's going to be a lot of the typical family fights (as you can expect when four grown adults with their own agendas live under one tiny roof....), But I am still very excited to be going home and seeing everyone, since I have not been home in a year.
3) Finally after Thanksgiving I'm going to be able to change my life a little. I think it's time that I need to stop doing theatre and focus on leaving Virginia - so if anyone knows of any job opportunities in a nice low cost of living area let me know!
I wish I could get back to sleep but I got grown up things to do (ie bills) and lines to memorize. Hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday off as well!

Yay! Enjoy your visit home!