Hello loves!
As the year of 2016 is almost to a close, some of the faces I see here are old friends along with many faces are new. I thank you for being here with me, with us and supporting each other on SG and more. It was a difficult year for both good and the worse that I could list for days on end but I will spare you the tears and the angst.
I have been seeing around, as I never really participate on blog homework as I never have time to write about such wonderful things sadly, however I saw this little thread of a gem floating around thought it was simple enough to give it a go for you all whom are new to me and for those whom have know me to know maybe a bit more :)
If you did not know, my..
Height: 5.8 ft
Age: I always say I am 22, as that is when I felt my life actually to feel alive and for everything to have "clicked into place" for the first time and have kept the spirit of that number since; however I am 22 plus four years if needed technicality ;)
Eye color: Light brown, crimson hints.
Sign: the Twins and year of the Horse
Hair color: dirty Blond
Favourite thing: Oil paint, linseed oil, coffee, and fresh air
Favourite color: Azul
Food: Salads
Favourite time of day: 604am or 812am
Day or night? Cannot decide, always have so much to do so I need both.
Favourite holiday: Nov 1st
Favourite game: Mario Kart for N64 or Gameboy Colour Pokemon
Hobby: Painting, modelling, reading and visiting local markets
Vice: My freedom
Language: English, ASL, German
Socialize or being alone? Depends
Favorite band: Arcade Fire
Song: Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy
Stay at home or hang out: Does stay at home to hang out work?
Favorite series: Currently it is Penny Dreadful and Chef's Table but those are currently finished! Anything similar to suggest, dears?
Favorite subject: History
Religion: Not for me.
And last but not least, I have a new set coming out VERY SOON with my dear friend @cdo called "Brick by Brick"; preview here..
And when I mean soon, I mean as in later today or tomorrow before the new year elates us!
And within the new year I will have another set coming your way also by @cdo called "Coming Clean"...
and more sets as well created by the sweetest lovelies @merryboudoir and @zen too!
For now here are my current sets in Member Review <3
This one is from my most loved set "Bay View" by @merryboudoir which I still hope will grace the front page one day *fingers always crossed*
Thank you all for your support over the years, I hope your holidays were and are still as wonderful as you are.
Keep well my loves, and keep being you <3