14 March 2016
Oh, my dear <3
It has been a while hasn't it? I am very sorry for that. I try to post photos for you all as much as I can :) but in this moment I thought I would share an experience that was also quite the adventure I had recently! Plus more exciting news to come so stay with me, love.
Photograph above was taken on Saturday, 12 March 2015 from my visit to San Francisco for a couple shoots as I was fortunate enough to have been contacted by @kezia about a few weeks ago about meeting up and working together for SG! Lady lives in Canada so I thought might as well take the chance to meet this beautiful and talented individual while she is in there area! So we chatted shortly of where to go work and it was decided San Francisco, in the mid-morning at Sutro Bath Houses (the place where I shot my first SG set with @floydian, we did not submit it but I still enjoyed the making of it and I cannot think of Sutro without reminiscing of that day a few years ago! Anyways, enough background I am sure you wish to get to the new parts of what I made there) So I set up myself to pick up my love, @merryboudoir, whom has been working so hard lately in real life and photography. I am so proud of MerryBoudoir of that she has been doing lately (you know she has two sets that got bought recently?! Both set collabed with @jenni and @bohemia, please congrats MerryBoudoir if you have not already-she and her photography deserve it!) So we set out for coffee in Oakland first, took her to recent find called Farley's East for some who are in the Bay Area. Their house espresso blend tastes like hazelnuts and divinity, ugh so good-anyways I keep getting side tracked! The coffee is delicious though if you ever need a good cup in the Bay. So as we got our coffee we set out for SF as I had her come with me for I was not only meeting up with Kezia but also with our dears, @lexirae and @cooky, plus two other lovely local girls we had never met, @gaiah, and @asteria!
As MerryBoudoir and I arrived, we were looking around and noticed in the distance "looks like a naked lady getting photographed over there" as we were on the right side of the Sutro Bath House ruins whilst looking over to the far left side on a cave ruin itself. As we got closer we could not have been anymore correct! We approach Asteria finishing up being photographed by Kezia whilst Gaiah and Cooky were keeping watch-because that is how us SG gals do! Got to look out for one another :) I hugged Cooky and kisses her check, it had been sometime since I had last saw her. She is so pretty, classic radiance to that gal and Met Gaiah whom was very lovely inside and out, with a smile so soft yet so full of joy, it was beautiful to have met her. She also was kind enough to have gotten Asteria and Cooky to bring them to the shoots too! Again, us SG gals got to look out for one another. Sad that we missed LexiRae shooting but from what the girls stated, LexiRae's shoot was amazing! I can only imagine what LexiRae and Kezia created, LexiRae is stunning and her works is always blows me away one after another after another. I am so proud of her too! Then I met Kezia herself after her collecting her photography equipment for us to move on to the next location. Kezia is a very pretty gal with a wonderful, energizing and whimsy energy about her. This made me more excited about working with her along with her use of the word"stoked" which I enjoyed; she is just so playful and ready for anything.
Girls before myself and MerryBoudoir showed up. Too cute of them all to not repost though (LexiRae, Cooky, Asteria and Gaiah; right to left) <3
MerryBoudoir took this for myself to use as a photo reference for one of my future paintings. It smelled a bit well awful but it was worth it!
We found some Calilies at Sutro ruins and MerryBoudoir got me sitting amongst them all. They were so elegant!
Then Kezia asked us whom was next as we went down closer to the shore. I was thinking of shooting in the cave but the tides were coming in too close so next idea! Asked if we could shoot in the tree coverage, specifically in a place I have worked before but not for SG, which ended up being a bit of hike too (I am so sorry again girls!). We ended up photographing here...
The ocean was breathing heavily as the sky was trickling down, the trees whispering and the birds gently talking to us. Beautiful, isn't it? It did however started sprinkling heavily as we got closer. So we moved and ended up finding a spot under some tree coverage then Kezia and I began collaborating. My inspiration / thought process behind this set was a girl going on the off bet path and is mesmerized by the nature around her. From there she just relaxes in the comfort of the scenery around her and begins looking something like this..
Iphone snap before the clothes flew over the dirt and twigs..
And a behind the scenes snap from Cooky! (Thank you, lady)
I was rolling around, getting all dirty yet feeling so sexy with the nature around us. Natural elements bring out the best in us don't they? I hope with this set that Kezia and I created! She made me feel very comfortable, as I very assured by her when she would tell me "you know what I was thinking, I love it!". Made me feel as a model that I was doing something right :)
Girls taking photos being adorable and sexy, I thought these were very sweet and beautiful that again I cannot help but repost. Aren't they lovely?! Ugh, melts my heart.
As Kezia and I finished wrapping up, as I kept thinking that the girls had been here far longer and it was approaching afternoon with tummy grumbles, we packed up and trekked back to the cars.
From there, we stopped at the grocery store to get some food and rest a little bit before going to the next location, an abandon shipyard. At this time my other love, @cigno, was going to meet up with us just for the fun of it because why not? But we ended up getting a bit jumbled, and turns out it was supervised by government and not so abandoned anymore. We were going to figure a way in but ended up having us miss one another as one car was in one place and the other car in another whilst Cigno awaiting somewhere in between. It was all sorts of confusing that none of us could foresee and for those who live in the Bay Area interested in that location just for the fun of it, maybe one day it will be available to venture again. But for now not so...so we we able to all gather again, daylight drifting with Gaiah and Cooky still needing to shoot so the girls came with a plan to find an indoor location. Kezia informed us about a place in the financial district in what AirBnB has for persons on the go but needs places to stay for a breather...it is called Breather! I thought was neat but anywho, we all drove to downtown San Francisco and all meet in the Breather room at the hotel. From there, Cooky looking like a pinup queen started working with lovely Kezia. I helped with the light bouncer, or at least tried, Cigno doing what she does best right away taking behind the scene shots of the magic happening. Gaiah, MerryBoudoir and Asteria were relaxing in the back, Gaiah picking outfits for her shoot next to come. It was nice as I was thinking and watching Cooky and Kezia work, Cigno next to me taking bum photos of Cooky, Gaiah, MerryBoudoir and Asteria just conversing and helping Gaiah out of which fit she should wear. In that moment, it was nice to think how we were here. We resolved from the little stress from the prior location and moved forward so that things were back on track. From an outsiders view, it may sound weird but shooting can be stressful not on you yourself as the model and photographer working together but also the elements or situations to which you cannot control. I hope we do not show that in our work but please know a lot of work goes into these no matter the time spent planning or reacting; I am grateful these girls kept strong and positive with the little bump because I think the end result was amazing (and a lot drier too hehe).
After Cooky, light had dimmed even more and night was falling now at our Breather room..
Adorable Gaiah began working with Kezia for a cute set using the couch of the room and some sweets that were provided too!
Gaiah looking like a California sunshine girl whom just got back from the beach and just enjoying her time. Natural censoring just incase of social media, since nude fine art is considered shameful sadly. But her beauty over powers that, all the girls' grace does.
As Gaiah was continuing with her set with Kezia and sweet Asteria assisting with the light bouncer...Cooky and I had some fun in the background. I took a few instax of her but I have seem to misplace them :( once they show up I will add them into this blog, they were so lovely of her gentle face and her soft curves. Along with Cooky, I got to play around with my dear Cigno with snaps taken by our MerryBoudoir.
Always miss her, she reminds me of bit of home. Part of my family is where she is originally from so she reminds me of them with her presence; it comforts me. But honestly I believe all these girls are my family because I consider them so! Side note, I hope one day when her and I are official SG's we can do a multi for you all, what do you think? Would you all like that? ;)
Then there is this snap. This is like our friendship in photograph representation. Us always being so silly when we are trying to be sexy. We try to be serious, as we definitely are modelling and working together, but we will try to make you laugh doing so too. Asteria and Cooky were giggling softly when we were just being goofballs. I love this moment, I love this day and this photograph along with these girls.
After being silly in the foreground and Gaiah shooting, Kezia and I collaborated once more for a set. Less physically dirty, and more bedroom eyes for you all. I got a new glasses prescription recently so I was able to see what I was doing for once and we incorporated them, some delicate lacey garments, a nook ladder, a mirror, a little black book and lots of finger mouth play. I hope you are excited about it I very much am! Tell me what you all think..
Grand censorship for social media again, thank you MerryBoudoir for taking this, love.
As we started to wrap up, we had a few minutes to spare prior to cleaning up the room (two words: clothes everywhere!). So, in true SG fashion, we had to take a group photograph!
Merry is so loveable with her cute bum amongst the many other lovely ones.
Us women: all different shapes, sizes, colours, styles, personalities, points in our life. But one this is for sure in common is we are all beautiful. We always support one another, we all kept pushing the best for each other. To me this is what SuicideGirls is about, amongst our amazing members like you! The great staff whom I love like @kiley and @lyxzen, and those whom help run everything from the beginning @missy @rambo @sean.
Thank you for the memories, loves, and now I get ready for this coming weekend for the Sacramento SG Meet-Up to promote the Blackheart Burlesque show at the Crest in Sacramento on 20 April 2016. So much to look forward too, gah!
After this weekend too, I have other exciting news! I will be travelling to South Korea, specifically Seoul and Ansan, for a week (25 Mar 16 to 01 April 16) to visit my sister so please keep in contact on my instagram and facebook! If there are any SuicideGirls or Hopefuls in South Korea whom would like to meet up and may I can take a couple snaps of too (I am working on my next travel zine but with new places abroad and the girls I have photographed over the past year this time!) please let me know and just message me here as I would love to meet more of our amazing girls and wonderful members all over the world as much as being local and within the States too.
And to end this much need blog with one final much anticipated and thrilling note!! I have a new set coming out once I get back, date is looking like 5th or 6th April 2016 for my next set, Bay View, with my love @merryboudoir taken last year in San Francisco. Save the date please, as I do not want any of you to miss this set. You all have been waiting soooo very patiently, I am grateful for that and each of you <3 And @cigno will also have a set come out the same time too so maybe again with your help we can get both to the front page and get that multi to happen! We can do that yes? Please please yes! Also @gaiah and @asteria will have their debut sets coming out soon too plus @lexirae has two amazing sets currently in the MR that if you have not checked out, please go now and give her and all these girls love! Gah! I have high hopes for more Bay Area SuicideGirls in the near future, thinking happy thoughts about this and for each of us girls. Lastly, @Kezia, come back to the Bay Area soon too and I hope both you and MerryBoudoir will be staff photographers soon too <3
I love you all, I am always here for you <3