Ready to know a lot of usless facts about Bris??
1. I am very affectionate. When I know someone, I get fond of it right away! I'd also give an arm to make life better ( I made this phrase with google I hope it has sense...)
2. I'm super insicure about my intelligence, so sometimes I'm surprised about myself
3. I like politic and I don't understand why Younger italian used to complain about our governaent and DOING NOTHING [ se sei italiano e sei arrivato fino a qui, domani VAI A VOTARE!! E' IMPORTANTE PIU' ORA CHE MAI! ]
4. I have a huge collection of sunglasses, I love sunglsses
5. the day after the end of game ot thrones I cried all the day because I can't realize that's over (and in that way......)
6. After studied comics for many years, it's a struggle for me reading books! after few pages, also if i'm really into the story, i fell asleep... with comics doesen't happend because the draws!
7. I'm sapiosexual (it means that I'm attract to clever people) my actual boyfriend it's super good in music, the one befor him was a philosopher, and the one before a comic artist (he was insanly good) ...I always prefer a big brain instead a beauty face
8. every year (now it's like 6 years) I decided to become a tattoo apprentice, but I always change my mind because i don't belive in myself
this draws are here to make you insult me! ahah
9. it's a year that I'm working on a comics...and I have also some other project that involves my drawing, but it's early to talk about it, remember only one word : " SFRUSHÉ "
thanks for read, this are my last set in mr, if you didn't yet you should like them <3 <3
- I HEAR A RHAPSODY by @sobelle
-CARRY ME TO WONDERLAND with @elaena by @akril
-A LAVANDER TOUCH by @natalia_randle
I love you all <3 <3
@missy @rambo