I try to be kind and understanding to all, but there are a few things I just can not stand! These are my three biggest pet peeves.
1. Bullying- There is no one I hate more than a bully. If people could only learn to just mind their own business, the world would be a much happier place. Who cares if you don't like something about someone's appearance? Who cares if you don't approve of a marriage between two people you don't know? It does not involve you in any way...
2. Wire Hangers- Now, I know that sounds strange, but seriously. If you have a light t shirt, be prepared for pointy shoulders if it hangs on a wire hanger for more than 3 seconds. If you have a heavy pair of jeans, you might as well just lay them on the floor, 'cause that's where they are gonna end up anyway.
3. Answered Messages with No Reply- You said " Hey". I said "What's up". You said "......................" Why did you even message me to begin with if you had nothing to say, man?
Although I can sometimes be pretty easy to annoy, these three things will do it for sure!
@rambo @missy