the last week has been the best week i've had in a loooooong time. it's not even that everything went perfectly, or that i was happy all the time. it's more about the fact that i tried my best on everything i did. to be honest, i've been slacking for a long time. i felt that, even when i did my best, i wasn't getting results, so why bother? i didn't realize just how much of my self-esteem was caught up in being proud of at least trying to be my best. in the past week, i've been prouder of myself, all of my relationships have been going better, and i have a smile on my face when the boyfriend comes home from work. not because i missed him and i'm glad he's home (which i always do and am), but because i have something to tell him about what i did that day that i'm proud of. i haven't been able to brag about myself to anyone for a long time. and let me tell you, it feels fan-fucking-tastic!!

i'm going to take a trip down to my parents' house tomorrow. my oldest brother is home on fall break, so it'll be great to see him, and i have to go through the stuff that i left in the attic there when i moved out, make some decisions about what i want to bring back to WI and what i want to get rid of or donate. i'll probably be gone until friday at least, and i'll probably refrain from logging in to SG while i'm there.
so until then, a special message to all my SG darlings:

i'm going to take a trip down to my parents' house tomorrow. my oldest brother is home on fall break, so it'll be great to see him, and i have to go through the stuff that i left in the attic there when i moved out, make some decisions about what i want to bring back to WI and what i want to get rid of or donate. i'll probably be gone until friday at least, and i'll probably refrain from logging in to SG while i'm there.
so until then, a special message to all my SG darlings:
Glad to hear youve had such a good week! Have fun on your trip! 

ahhh positive blogs make me feel hopeful. i hope your visit is going great.