I am ok.... so far.
My house is better, but i could happen again any day.
The rivers surrounding my house are to their absolute highest and could flood my house soon.
The weather here is always rain and bad tornadoes.
Grrr.... more and more and more rain.
I used to love the rain, my little quote used to be "my best moments happen when it rains"
HA! yeah it scares me now, ALOT!
So keep sending those vibes... every day here is scary and i hate that feeling.
On a good note i leave for Bonnaroo in two freaking days!
I was super scared leaving my house in these Iowa conditions and i still am scared,
BUT i found a house sitter, so my kittys will be taken care of if anything bad does happen when i am gone.
I need a vacation, hopefully it doesn't bite me in the ass.
I got the tickets along time ago and cant really sell them now on such late notice.
Plus, most people here in Iowa wouldn't want to make the trip all the way out there on short notice as well.
So, I am going as planned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will take lots of pics and enjoy the hippy festivities and AMAZING music for all of you!
I have been in some crazy freaky storms, they have really made me think very differently about life.
I was out at Serana's farm and we saw the sky do the eeriest things, it truly looked like the end of the world.
The sky was black and green and was twisting and moving fast.
Some clouds were so low it looked like you could touch them from her roof.
The sarrians blared from all the cities surrounding us from far far away.
We stood outside and watched in aw and horror. There was really nothing we could do, or lives were in natures hands.
It has really just made me think how out of control we are and variable to a lot of things that people don't even think about, or chose to be ignorant about.
Ignorance is bliss right?!? ha.
Well i will write more before i leave if i have time, but packing and pumping water out of the basement takes most of my time up.
It is funny, how much i have watched tv lately, but it was merely for knowing what is going on with the freaky weather.
Right now there is tornados, and the sky looks green gay and orange and the air is so thick i can barely breate. CREEPY!
I hope my house is still here and happy when i get home.
Keep sending good vibes.
My house is better, but i could happen again any day.
The rivers surrounding my house are to their absolute highest and could flood my house soon.
The weather here is always rain and bad tornadoes.
Grrr.... more and more and more rain.
I used to love the rain, my little quote used to be "my best moments happen when it rains"
HA! yeah it scares me now, ALOT!
So keep sending those vibes... every day here is scary and i hate that feeling.
On a good note i leave for Bonnaroo in two freaking days!
I was super scared leaving my house in these Iowa conditions and i still am scared,
BUT i found a house sitter, so my kittys will be taken care of if anything bad does happen when i am gone.
I need a vacation, hopefully it doesn't bite me in the ass.
I got the tickets along time ago and cant really sell them now on such late notice.
Plus, most people here in Iowa wouldn't want to make the trip all the way out there on short notice as well.
So, I am going as planned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will take lots of pics and enjoy the hippy festivities and AMAZING music for all of you!
I have been in some crazy freaky storms, they have really made me think very differently about life.
I was out at Serana's farm and we saw the sky do the eeriest things, it truly looked like the end of the world.
The sky was black and green and was twisting and moving fast.
Some clouds were so low it looked like you could touch them from her roof.
The sarrians blared from all the cities surrounding us from far far away.
We stood outside and watched in aw and horror. There was really nothing we could do, or lives were in natures hands.
It has really just made me think how out of control we are and variable to a lot of things that people don't even think about, or chose to be ignorant about.
Ignorance is bliss right?!? ha.
Well i will write more before i leave if i have time, but packing and pumping water out of the basement takes most of my time up.
It is funny, how much i have watched tv lately, but it was merely for knowing what is going on with the freaky weather.
Right now there is tornados, and the sky looks green gay and orange and the air is so thick i can barely breate. CREEPY!
I hope my house is still here and happy when i get home.
Keep sending good vibes.
i should take advantage of used book store since there are so many here. or maybe visit a library every so often, that would save me some money.
when you are done your book, we should book swap! i loved this book called the time travelers wife and i would love to share it with you! i'm sure i have some other good ones scattered around my bedroom too.
You can't leave me hangin' yo!