Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I've been meaning to get on here and check out everyones costumes. SG always has good ones xx
Anyhow I'm still struggling to figure out the new set up here on the site. I don't much like change and I'm finding it a bit hard to navigate. I want to post pictures so we will see if I can successfully accomplish that :P
There is really not much to tell. Things have been really slow for me right now. I'm going a bit stir crazy but I have vaca time coming up and I plan to see some old friends and my momma :) Basically that means I need to figure out how to post pictures so I can spam you all with my fun times :)
Oh!! and I've been thinking about allowing my SG friends to follow me on Instagram. I finally after all this time decided I wasn't afraid of the internet and made my profile public. If you want to follow me just find me. I'm ( halip )
Much love to all…. and check this out… my account was apparently not deactivated :)
BTW I've been laughing my ass off at this all day.
Oh and don't think I forgot to post the pictures from my set… homeboy just hasn't sent them to me yet ;)
I guess I figured out the picture thing :p Muwaahahahha you all shall now suffer my endless selfless!! Lord help you.