I have not been keeping up well at all on here. I need to though. I'm planning a road trip though The South and was hoping to get some shooting done while I was out there. I'll be going through GA, SC, NC, TN, AL, LO, and MS.
I haven't much to tell. I've been reading and watching documentaries about the Civil War and learning all I can about The South. I'm taking some time off school. Single, kick it with my dog a lot, still trying to move... That's about it?
Hahah sorry. Hope to have more to say later..
I miss everyone. I've almost completely lost touch with everyone on here..


we are pretty busy with burning man prep, but im free all the time til then since im not in school.. if you want to just come hang out that would be fine =]

Hey I'm currently trying to move so I'm super stressed and busy with house hunting in SF. But I still want to shoot together, so maybe Sept. would work best when I'll be settled in a new place?