Easter I had to work a double; but today I'm celebrating with baseball and leftovers from my grandmother

I decided to get on the instagram train.
Today I get to enjoy my much needed day off with 2 of my favorite things: Food and my boys in Balck & Orange.
I got the final word about my car.. It's totaled. I haven't decided if I am going to try and part it out or just tow it to the junk yard.. That's next weeks errands I suppose.. so it's "Goodbye Childhood" I had a lot of good times in my Betsy
Congrats to Aisline for making front page with her lovely set Mothers Pearls.
I have to take my hat off to Waikiki she has been shooting some incredible sets. What a photographer
Public Service Announcement:
I ran across JScott Cambell who made a calendar of animated fairy tail vixens. I'm a total nerd and I really like some of them
In other news. This is called a triple helix I believe.. and I want it.
New Diet!!!
I decided I'd better start taking better care of myself and work out and eat right again.. I've been following Exning's tumblr blog collecting stretches, work outs, and of corse inspirational pictures and quotes
Check out how great she looks in her Slow Tease set still in MR
Let's see, what else... Oh I have been working like a slave and still haven't saved much money at all. I want to color my hair red to save on all the bleaching but I really like being blonde and I'm not sure I want to give it up just yet.. Don't know what to do
As far as photography is going.. I am trying to re-schedule a time to meet up with Fox and I am also planning a shoot with Bentley. I'm also going to be posting pictures of a set I've been planning based off of Alice n Wonderland. Some of my inspirational pictures:
Here are some really funny ecards (well i think they are really funny)
New sets in MR!! for all you lazy pants out there, I've done the hard part of you (really not hard at all and found some new picture sets to check out.) Just in the last few days we've had several really good hopefuls put out sets.
Oh! And finally last but not least. I have decided to start making video blogs. I've made a few and usually end up deleting them. I figured out something I would enjoy vloging about and wanted to tell you all to keep an eye out for my film critiques. First film? Either Rocky (yeah i know ive been living in the dark ages and just finally saw it) or maybe the documentary Darkon. It' about live action role playing.
Either way I'll have to make the video a little later, baseball game is still on and the SF Giants are murdering the Rockies right now at Coors field
Take Care xo