Look at this mug!

Its cute enough to have a boyfriend right? Gawd I don't know what's worse... my taste in men or my luck with them.
I actually look like a total douch in that picture. I love it.
Weather is turning cold again so this time of year I hide like a bear in my cave room and wait for warm weather.
While we are on the subject of hard nipples. I tried to shoot myself the other day. Didn't work out very well. But I liked a few of the pictures.

Its cute enough to have a boyfriend right? Gawd I don't know what's worse... my taste in men or my luck with them.
I actually look like a total douch in that picture. I love it.
Weather is turning cold again so this time of year I hide like a bear in my cave room and wait for warm weather.
While we are on the subject of hard nipples. I tried to shoot myself the other day. Didn't work out very well. But I liked a few of the pictures.
Some more randoms...
Goodwill hooked it up with a brand new dress. I need a hot fella or lady to go out with in it.
Finger Painted With Penelope gawdilovethatdog
I am avoiding but slowly being won over by instagram. Is that how you spell it? I don't want one but they make everyone's pictures so warm and inviting. Still Im rawkn zero photoshop skills and Im ok with it.
Have I yammered long enough meow?
Oh yeah hahahha
Just Discovered Spray Tan [ lordy ]
one you fucking crack me up! i litterly brust out in laughter after reading you comment on my blog and this whole blog of yours your gorgeous as fuck(YOU DONT NEED TANNED) sexy ass ...lol and love those bags im not a fruit loop girl all the way but ill down a whole 3 ft bad of generic cocoa puffs anyday! actually i just had one of those incidentes an hour ago with donuts lol i was so high and we all were like lets go to giant eagle and i passed the donut section bought 8 and ate them all my friend was cracking up i had my face stuffed with food shes like give me the donut i ran out the house and shoved down my thoart and now my belly hurts lol good lordy i wonder why! lol i know what u mean by needing someone to tell u when ur making stupid faces i have big bug eyes and forgot to stop looking like a deer at the camera lol
you have a nice mug