I made a video for the Suicide Girls!
I joined this site because growing up I was a tomboy and girls really didn't like me. I love women and I am honored to be this sex when I see intelligent, talented,strong, independent women. I look forward to making new friends and promoting positive self image and self acceptance. I have big fat crushes on many SGs and aside from those I know in my personal life, most probably have no idea who I am
So here is my quick introduction.
On another note...
Yay! Now I feel like a model

Haha thanks to _Andy_ who put me in her tee shirt collection<3 Also there you can see the likes of Bitten, Leandra, Epiic, and Maple. I heard from a little bird _Andy_ is thinking about doing a set herself
I found someone to shoot my set
A good friend of mine going to the SF art school, one of them, and he is almost as excited about shooting as I am. Although.... I have confessed to a pin up shoot but I'm not sure he knows I will be naked just yet. Not that I think he will have a problem with it, he has asked me to do various art projects nude before. I've just never agreed to do it. So this might be a surprise for him Muahaha!
I had my spring break and I worked through the whole thing. It was ok cause the last day of my break I had the money to start shading on my sleeve. I don't want to brag to Edu is my new best friend. I can not believe what a great job he is doing. I'm not one to be dramatic but when I saw the little bit he worked on I began to repeat "oh fuck!" and danced around the shop. I told him he inspires me to learn to draw
It's still healing and looks a little rough but I'll post a pic anyway. Remember this is before color, highlighting, detail, or mist n fog are incorporated. And this is One focus of Four in this piece<3

Also I went on a "lady date" with my cousin. We went to a cute little shop and had coffee and cupcakes. It took me an hour to eat 1 cupcake. I was so proud of myself. Ha!

We had so much fun we decided to recreate to moment the next weekend at her house and baked cupcakes with white wine and peaches. There may or may not have been some pool side gossip involved

Also I have a confession to make
I feel I have been keeping a terrible secret from all you SG members. Until I divulge this one major theme in my life I feel you all will have a misleading representation of who I am as a person. And it is this: I AM A FREAK ABOUT MY DOG! I can't believe I've been part of SG since 2008 and there is not ONE picture of my dog or my cat. Penelope is my life line and Guinevere keeps me grounded. Immediately this wrong must be corrected.
I have two children:


The two most beautifuls you will ever see.
Other than that I have spoilers for you all as a treat for making it though another one of my long and random blogs.
Bentley, Exning, Jaxy, Pandie and Yui still need love on their MR sets. But I have found some new sets in MR to drool over.
This first set is by a girl I have never talked to but I LOVE this set. It's classic pin up, not much photoshop if any, she's having fun being naked and frankly she reminds me of a modern marilyn monroe. It's
Sweetie and her set
Le Meux

Next is one of my FAVORITE Suicide Girls, Scotty This woman is gorgeous. Watch one video, read one blog, peep one set and tell me your not in love with those eyes. I am legitimately upset that her sets don't go live as often as they should. Please don't let this happen to:
Natural State

Another girl I have never talked to but I just think she is stunning. I love Portland and her set is so classic and she is so pretty ever photo could be framed. That's the lovely Lyxzen and her gorgeous set:
A Sunny Day In Portland

This set is from Namaste. She just looks like the most rad girl to kick it with. And her set was shot by Alissa. What a great photographer. Some of those shots are so fun and creative. I love this set!

This Set cracked me up! What I love about SG is the fact girls get to pick their set ideas. When I find a set that has a girl's personality beaming through, it puts the biggest smile on my face. I love Dixon's attitude in:
AntiValentine Massacre

This last set in MR is amazing. I am a total sucker for red lipstick. I ware it any chance I get and I am partial to sets with red lips in them. Aisline looks great and she is eating my favorite dessert. I love the contrast in:
Strawberries and Cream

Ok since all of those were professional why not show you a NON professional picture of my boobs! I was feeling ill and stayed in PJs all day. This is Brinly's tit debut! I call it "bored and braless with wifi" enjoy.
I joined this site because growing up I was a tomboy and girls really didn't like me. I love women and I am honored to be this sex when I see intelligent, talented,strong, independent women. I look forward to making new friends and promoting positive self image and self acceptance. I have big fat crushes on many SGs and aside from those I know in my personal life, most probably have no idea who I am

On another note...
Yay! Now I feel like a model

Haha thanks to _Andy_ who put me in her tee shirt collection<3 Also there you can see the likes of Bitten, Leandra, Epiic, and Maple. I heard from a little bird _Andy_ is thinking about doing a set herself

I found someone to shoot my set

I had my spring break and I worked through the whole thing. It was ok cause the last day of my break I had the money to start shading on my sleeve. I don't want to brag to Edu is my new best friend. I can not believe what a great job he is doing. I'm not one to be dramatic but when I saw the little bit he worked on I began to repeat "oh fuck!" and danced around the shop. I told him he inspires me to learn to draw

It's still healing and looks a little rough but I'll post a pic anyway. Remember this is before color, highlighting, detail, or mist n fog are incorporated. And this is One focus of Four in this piece<3

Also I went on a "lady date" with my cousin. We went to a cute little shop and had coffee and cupcakes. It took me an hour to eat 1 cupcake. I was so proud of myself. Ha!

We had so much fun we decided to recreate to moment the next weekend at her house and baked cupcakes with white wine and peaches. There may or may not have been some pool side gossip involved

Also I have a confession to make

I have two children:


The two most beautifuls you will ever see.
Other than that I have spoilers for you all as a treat for making it though another one of my long and random blogs.
Bentley, Exning, Jaxy, Pandie and Yui still need love on their MR sets. But I have found some new sets in MR to drool over.
This first set is by a girl I have never talked to but I LOVE this set. It's classic pin up, not much photoshop if any, she's having fun being naked and frankly she reminds me of a modern marilyn monroe. It's
Sweetie and her set
Le Meux

Next is one of my FAVORITE Suicide Girls, Scotty This woman is gorgeous. Watch one video, read one blog, peep one set and tell me your not in love with those eyes. I am legitimately upset that her sets don't go live as often as they should. Please don't let this happen to:
Natural State

Another girl I have never talked to but I just think she is stunning. I love Portland and her set is so classic and she is so pretty ever photo could be framed. That's the lovely Lyxzen and her gorgeous set:
A Sunny Day In Portland

This set is from Namaste. She just looks like the most rad girl to kick it with. And her set was shot by Alissa. What a great photographer. Some of those shots are so fun and creative. I love this set!

This Set cracked me up! What I love about SG is the fact girls get to pick their set ideas. When I find a set that has a girl's personality beaming through, it puts the biggest smile on my face. I love Dixon's attitude in:
AntiValentine Massacre

This last set in MR is amazing. I am a total sucker for red lipstick. I ware it any chance I get and I am partial to sets with red lips in them. Aisline looks great and she is eating my favorite dessert. I love the contrast in:
Strawberries and Cream

Ok since all of those were professional why not show you a NON professional picture of my boobs! I was feeling ill and stayed in PJs all day. This is Brinly's tit debut! I call it "bored and braless with wifi" enjoy.
And finally something more G-rated for the kids.
CONGRATULATIONS you've survived yet another one of my epic blogs! Peace n Love
Cute hon! Very cute ^^