On Tuesday, my surf cam arrived in the mail, so I went out yesterday morning to give it a test run. There weren't many waves and the ones I saw were pretty small, but at least it was a chance to see how it works. It was fun! I put together a short video from the footage I shot...
I'll tell you what was not fun, my trip to the dentist this afternoon. I had to get a crown. I guess I didn't know what I was in for! I didn't know they were going to be taking a hacksaw to my tooth!! Ouch! But on the bright side, doc gave me a chocolate bar and some painkillers!
I'll tell you what was not fun, my trip to the dentist this afternoon. I had to get a crown. I guess I didn't know what I was in for! I didn't know they were going to be taking a hacksaw to my tooth!! Ouch! But on the bright side, doc gave me a chocolate bar and some painkillers!

Did you mess with the color saturation at all? It looks great.
I think I was probably making sure it was running when I was looking at the camera, or maybe I was hamming it up a bit, I cant remember, haha...
I didn't mess with the saturation, that's just how it came out. I think the fact that it was just around sunrise helped with the color. Of course, the quality was affected some when I uploaded it.
I tend to get a little carried away with the transition effects. In the future, I'm going to change that.
Last weekend when I went out, I had fog inside the casing, so that kind of messed things up.. you'll notice it at the end of my second video. Also water spots were a problem, so I'm using Rain-x now and that seems to help.
Here's one I did on Monday:
It's on viddler for now because I'm working out a copyright with YouTube and WMG over the song. The image quality is subpar with this site, but at least the music is there!