I was in Arizona a few days last week to spend Christmas with my parents and my niece. I got up early on Wednesday to get there in time to see my niece sing in a Christmas pageant. My mom conveniently forgot to mention that it was actually a church service. I don't believe in God and I haven't been to church in years... and I don't sing hymns. Of course, my parents wanted to sit in the front row. Oh well, it nice to see my niece sing, anyhow, and it made her really happy that I was there. And I have to say, the minister was pretty funny and delivered a good and not too churchy-sounding sermon.
My mom was baking pretty much the entire holiday. She made lemon bread, pumpkin bread, peanut butter pie, popcorn balls, chocolate covered peanuts, ginger bread cookies, and a whole Christmas dinner with turkey, cream corn, green bean casserole, rolls, and a bunch of other goodies, all for just the four of us. She usually makes a few things, but this year it was nearly out of control. At first I thought she was trying to keep her mind off the loss of my brother a few months ago, but as someone pointed out to me, she may have been trying to sabotage my dad's fitness regimen, as he's preparing to pass a physical before he flies helicopters again in Iraq. It's a dangerous job and he'll be gone nine months out of the year, so no one is thrilled with this decision. Whatever the case may be, I was sent home with a cooler full of lots of good food.
In case you're wondering, my favorite gift for Christmas this year is this a-go-go:

and now I am ready for some 09...
My mom was baking pretty much the entire holiday. She made lemon bread, pumpkin bread, peanut butter pie, popcorn balls, chocolate covered peanuts, ginger bread cookies, and a whole Christmas dinner with turkey, cream corn, green bean casserole, rolls, and a bunch of other goodies, all for just the four of us. She usually makes a few things, but this year it was nearly out of control. At first I thought she was trying to keep her mind off the loss of my brother a few months ago, but as someone pointed out to me, she may have been trying to sabotage my dad's fitness regimen, as he's preparing to pass a physical before he flies helicopters again in Iraq. It's a dangerous job and he'll be gone nine months out of the year, so no one is thrilled with this decision. Whatever the case may be, I was sent home with a cooler full of lots of good food.
In case you're wondering, my favorite gift for Christmas this year is this a-go-go:

and now I am ready for some 09...
what is that? also-sorry about your brother and i certainly hope your Pop will be okay. glad you got to eat lots of good food!