I was amused to see a guy leaning out of the passenger side door of a pickup, barfing all over the dining patio of Big Mama's Pizza as I walked by yesterday morning. I don't know what it is about Big Mama's, but there is definitely something about that place. The other day I was walking home from Capoeira class and a guy stopped me on the corner there. "Are you a capoerista?", he said. As it turns out, he's a capoerista from Vegas, and he had just gotten into town to meet a friend. So his friend showed up and we all three played a quick game of capoeira.
Speaking of capoeira, I'm learning to play my new berimbau this weekend. It sounds nice. The gourd has good resonance.
My fingers are all bandaged up because they got a little shredded from stringing up the berimbaus yesterday.
I had Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and my niece in AZ. Dinner was delicious and it was good to see them, but there was a bittersweetness too, knowing that my brother is gone. The drive back from Arizona was long but interesting. Lots of wildlife... Just as I was leaving my parents' house, I stopped for a deer to cross the road. Then, as I was driving through the mountains, I stopped for a skunk to cross. I was so close, I was hoping it didn't spray my car. It didn't, so that was one more thing to be thankful for. And on the highway it was great; this coyote pup came bouncing out of the brush and onto the highway. It realized it was on pavement, then jumped back into the brush. It was cute. I didn't get a picture, but it looked like this little guy:
Speaking of capoeira, I'm learning to play my new berimbau this weekend. It sounds nice. The gourd has good resonance.

My fingers are all bandaged up because they got a little shredded from stringing up the berimbaus yesterday.
I had Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and my niece in AZ. Dinner was delicious and it was good to see them, but there was a bittersweetness too, knowing that my brother is gone. The drive back from Arizona was long but interesting. Lots of wildlife... Just as I was leaving my parents' house, I stopped for a deer to cross the road. Then, as I was driving through the mountains, I stopped for a skunk to cross. I was so close, I was hoping it didn't spray my car. It didn't, so that was one more thing to be thankful for. And on the highway it was great; this coyote pup came bouncing out of the brush and onto the highway. It realized it was on pavement, then jumped back into the brush. It was cute. I didn't get a picture, but it looked like this little guy:

Glad you liked the headphones! Enjoy and see you soon.