Well, it was a pretty good run. I think I went almost four months without getting a parking ticket. Compared to the previous rate of one every other week, I'd say that's not too bad. I got one this morning, though. It's Good Friday, for crying out loud. Don't those street sweepers ever rest?
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 06, 2008
There's an underground salt mine and museum located 650 feet below m… -
Monday Nov 03, 2008
I'm happy to have my car back from the shop today. The auto body sho… -
Saturday Nov 01, 2008
The "Picture Association" thread is gone this morning. Vanished. Ju… -
Saturday Oct 25, 2008
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Tuesday Oct 21, 2008
I about flipped tonight when I realized I had a bag of chocolate cove… -
Sunday Oct 12, 2008
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Friday Oct 03, 2008
My car was broken into for the second time in a year, now. I left it… -
Wednesday Sep 10, 2008
Everyone is talking about Large Hadron Collider this week. So far, n… -
Sunday Aug 03, 2008
"Excuse me, I believe you have my identity..." Yeah, I've fallen v… -
Monday Jul 28, 2008
I could keep a very extensive blog on the topic of my traffic woes, a…
Adding you as a friend now!
Last night was loads of fun, glad you came!!! I'll have to rain check for Sunday at the Knitting Factory tho...I have rehearsal...and a looong Monday, so I shouldn't be going out on a Sunday anyways!
P.S. Why didn't I get any celery?
P.P.S Pics in my albums.