Is there a positive side of depression? You would think when you read this title, yes there are definitely positive sides to having had a depression, if I can speak for myself at least.
I have been suffering from depression on and off since I was about 12 years old. And I am familiar with just about any kind of depression. Depressions are absolutely not fun, everyone knows that of course, but that there are also positive aspects, probably not many people have thought of that yet.
I was diagnosed with bipolar, which is also called manic depressive disorder. I have regular periods of depression, alternating with a period where I often feel very euphoric. If there is one thing that I learned from my depressions is to fully enjoy my life when I am not depressed. Something that many people only start thinking about after a heavy experience, for example the loss of someone to an accident or illness.
Through my depression, I have developed the will to help other people who suffer from this. My depressions have increased my life experience and enabled me to actually help others. I can not recommend a depression to anyone (not that you really have a choice) but I personally no longer see depression as something with just a negative charge.
*I wanted to share my view on depression. This blogpost wasn't created to offend anyone, but if it did: I am sorry.
Love, Brigitte
@missy @rambo
@what21ever it means a lot for me to heae that it helped you 💖
@what21ever feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to