Ok so i go to ikea and buy from the little supermarket at the end a gingerbread house kit with full intension of icing an decorating it for christmas day then in my travels i find a better kit a kmart another kit that's even better cause it included royal icing lollies and stuff so i figure now i can just eat the other one as is like biscuits but because it is a wall and roof they are really big slabs so I've managed to inhale half of it without blinking an eye he he anyways i love gingerbread even though now i have a tummy ache on a lighter note found an even better one at david Jones and it is hasibro i think that's how you spell it (it is the english brand of lollies) well going to get that one too figure i can get away with buying them all it is christmas after all!

You are on the GC aren't you miss? I'm moving my butt down there early next year
way exciting!!!! It'll be 'take 2' on the Gold Coast for me hahaha

thank you so much. *hugs*