Well she-it, I can't believe its already been 15 days since I last updated my journal. The damn computers at the county jail don't accept cookies so I couldn't sign in. What a bummer, but seriously I've been real busy lately and things have been going real well for me for the most part.
Some of my photography was featured at an artist's reception last week at a gallery that displays some of my work and the response and feedback I got was very encouraging. I made some solid connections, lined up some work and sold a few pieces. It worked out well cuz what didn't sell I plan to hang in my new studio anyway. I move into the space the middle of next month! It's going to be so fucking sweet to not have to work out of my house anymore, no more dragging all of my lighting equipment all around town for stuff that can now be accomplished in my own studio. I'm gonna have about 1100 sq feet to do whatever the hell I want to with and the storefront will hopefully help draw in a lot more clientel. Please wish me luck and in not going fucking bankrupt and destitute. Running your own business can be hell and I will face a lot of challenges, but it sure beats working for some of the pricks I have had the dishonor of having to put up with.
Life is never all good though, funny how that works. We always seem to have to have some bitter mixed with our sweet. It's hard to make sense of it all, but it certainly makes it harder to relish in your own accomplishments and good fortune when someone you care about very deeply is going through extremely tough times.
I can't get into all of it here but my ex is going through a severe financial crisis right now. It's sad because she works her ass off doing custom painting for an established company in my town. But she gets paid fucking slave wages. Unfortunately she has a car payment that she can't afford and to prevent it from being repo-ed she is having to move back to NY to live with her parents. I have helped her out as much as I can, but I can only do so much without fucking myself. I am taking her to Fayetteville tomorrow to get a trailer hitch put on her car and renting her a trailer so she doesn't have to get rid of anything she can't fit in her car. for the move. One of the saddest parts is that she is having to give up her dog. Her stepmom is deathly allergic to dogs. I feel so bad for her. I wish I could step up and fix everything for her, but its impossible. Its hard to let go and let things take their natural course, I have faith it will be for the best.
On a lighter note, here are some photos from a session I shot yesterday of a friend from South Korea. I have never shot an Asian girl, so I was stoked to shoot one as gorgeous as Sue to bust my Asian "photo cherry"
God she has incredible eyes!!

Some of my photography was featured at an artist's reception last week at a gallery that displays some of my work and the response and feedback I got was very encouraging. I made some solid connections, lined up some work and sold a few pieces. It worked out well cuz what didn't sell I plan to hang in my new studio anyway. I move into the space the middle of next month! It's going to be so fucking sweet to not have to work out of my house anymore, no more dragging all of my lighting equipment all around town for stuff that can now be accomplished in my own studio. I'm gonna have about 1100 sq feet to do whatever the hell I want to with and the storefront will hopefully help draw in a lot more clientel. Please wish me luck and in not going fucking bankrupt and destitute. Running your own business can be hell and I will face a lot of challenges, but it sure beats working for some of the pricks I have had the dishonor of having to put up with.

Life is never all good though, funny how that works. We always seem to have to have some bitter mixed with our sweet. It's hard to make sense of it all, but it certainly makes it harder to relish in your own accomplishments and good fortune when someone you care about very deeply is going through extremely tough times.
I can't get into all of it here but my ex is going through a severe financial crisis right now. It's sad because she works her ass off doing custom painting for an established company in my town. But she gets paid fucking slave wages. Unfortunately she has a car payment that she can't afford and to prevent it from being repo-ed she is having to move back to NY to live with her parents. I have helped her out as much as I can, but I can only do so much without fucking myself. I am taking her to Fayetteville tomorrow to get a trailer hitch put on her car and renting her a trailer so she doesn't have to get rid of anything she can't fit in her car. for the move. One of the saddest parts is that she is having to give up her dog. Her stepmom is deathly allergic to dogs. I feel so bad for her. I wish I could step up and fix everything for her, but its impossible. Its hard to let go and let things take their natural course, I have faith it will be for the best.
On a lighter note, here are some photos from a session I shot yesterday of a friend from South Korea. I have never shot an Asian girl, so I was stoked to shoot one as gorgeous as Sue to bust my Asian "photo cherry"

i can't pay for your hiney to come over here to Baltimore, but if you make it by this way, let me know. For now I have a official SG photographer I can work with in Philly. Don't be insulted, I love your work and I want a set with you one day, I hope!!! xoxo!