Variety is indeed the spice of life.

Trent Reznor in Raleigh last nite from the pit and shot with a crappy point and shoot.

A swimwear shoot at the beach last weekend in Charleston.

From a shoot for an agency 2 weekends ago with Michelle Zen.

My friend and her beautiful lil one in the studio 2 weeks ago.

From and editorial shoot for a magazine last week featuring local "desperate housewives"

A close friend's son.

A friend in the studio before she got her hair cut off.

And finally good ol' Mr. Sanchez to brighten up your day.
I have been happier in the past couple of months than I think I have been my entire life...things are really starting to "click"...Life is damn good and I am so grateful.

Where are you?!?
I have no idea what is going on in your life these days.
We should chat again like the old days.