Mogwai tonite?
So once again I procrastinated in getting tickets to a must see show ...the cat's cradle website was showing that the tickets were still on sale a couple of days ago...but it was a lie. A dirty stinkin lie. I am going to be mighty disappointed if I drive an hour and a half up there and can't score a ticket before the show. It usually works out. Please let the God's of Rock smile upon me. I need a break.
So once again I procrastinated in getting tickets to a must see show ...the cat's cradle website was showing that the tickets were still on sale a couple of days ago...but it was a lie. A dirty stinkin lie. I am going to be mighty disappointed if I drive an hour and a half up there and can't score a ticket before the show. It usually works out. Please let the God's of Rock smile upon me. I need a break.
hope you made it