Curse you TNT and your all day long Lord of the Rings in HD marathon that always sucks away half my day. Twelve sweet hours of Lord of the Rings. I should throw a LOTR party next time.
In other news I have a new server that I am trying to decide how to make into a nice medio hub for my house. I need a bit of CAT5 cabling done (the current phone lines are not used and are wired with CAT5 so just need to be converted), install the server and then what I want seems to be a mixture of Windows Media Center/Windows Home Server and PlayOn Media streaming. But they do not all play well together. I may actually end up with a HyperVisor Server with Multiple Virtual Servers on it to make all this works.
Gonna need more money first though. Memory upgrade and hard drive upgrades and HD TV Tuner cards.
gah... oh well. Boys and their toys.
In other news? Eve Online has been sucking waaaay too much of my time away. Curse you MMO Gaming!!!
In other news I have a new server that I am trying to decide how to make into a nice medio hub for my house. I need a bit of CAT5 cabling done (the current phone lines are not used and are wired with CAT5 so just need to be converted), install the server and then what I want seems to be a mixture of Windows Media Center/Windows Home Server and PlayOn Media streaming. But they do not all play well together. I may actually end up with a HyperVisor Server with Multiple Virtual Servers on it to make all this works.
Gonna need more money first though. Memory upgrade and hard drive upgrades and HD TV Tuner cards.
gah... oh well. Boys and their toys.
In other news? Eve Online has been sucking waaaay too much of my time away. Curse you MMO Gaming!!!
its hailing right now !!!!
yea tell me about it, im just waiting for work to come as well!