Curse you TNT... I don't know what it is but every couple of months TNT plays the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in HD across Fri/Sat/Sun... actually I think on Sunday they play all three.
Do you know how many times I have seen these movies? And yet... for some reason I cannot resist, hours of my weekend disapeer in what seems to be an instant under the joy of watching these over and over.
It is a curse I tell you! LOL.
Do you know how many times I have seen these movies? And yet... for some reason I cannot resist, hours of my weekend disapeer in what seems to be an instant under the joy of watching these over and over.
It is a curse I tell you! LOL.
Thanks for reading that ramble. I really needed to get it all out.
I've never been to Portland, I guess most of the people I click with on SG live there... I wonder what that means, ha.
And yeah I'm having sex, and I'll be having more sex and it's not with a boyfriend because I'm not ready for that but dang sex is good.
The polaroids will be fun I think, we'll see. Maybe I"ll scan them.