Okay it has been awhile. Holidays, who knew they sucked down all your time. Okay, well pretty much everyone knows that. Hehe.
First Christmas.
I think this may be the first Christmas where I just got everything I wanted even if I did not ask for it. Truly my family and especially my girlfriend went all out to find out what was the right thing for me. They all say I am pretty picky and am hard to shop for so I appreciate the effort and the thoughtfulness put into it. A small sample..
-- A great Winter weather riding outfit for my bicycle. It is waterproof but I am waiting on the next sunny day to try out a little Winter riding.
-- A gorgeous authentic Chinese tea set for 6 in a beautiful box. I wish my grandmother Braun could have seen it she would have loved so much to share tea with Natalie and I.
-- A beautiful Chess/Checkers/Backgammon combo board game. I look forward to many quiet evenings by the fire playing Backgammon and teaching Natalie how to play Chess.
-- A super sharp Columbia Sportswear light jacket that I have already worn 3 times since Christmas.
-- A Bronze and Caribou horn flatware set my grandparents bought in Thailand in 1952. This was handed down to me by one of my aunts for Christmas. Natalies mother was so impressed with it and I am very happy to have it.
Well those are the highlights. Simply great.
New Years.
Always over hyped. One day away and I still have not great plans just a bunch of maybe's. The one New Years I had a really truly planned out and great time was in 1998. I was in San Francisco with a good friend of mine and a girl I was dating. We went to a party that I thought was exhorbitantly expensive (it was for me at the time) but in retrospect it was the time of my life and I may never forget it. Anyhow, whatever you are doing and whatever your plans, Happy New Year to you.
Saw some good movies:
-- Breach: Not nearly as good as I hoped it would be. Passable entertainment. B-
-- The Lookout: MUCH BETTER than I had anticipated. Almost bypassed this one. Of course this is another example of how expectations can set your movie experience. I had such low expectations I was pleasantly suprised. B maybe B+
-- Barton Fink: Yes I had never seen it and always wanted to. Considering I found out after watching that it was a Coen brothers film it is no wonder. Had I a ounce of wits about me in the early 90's and realized it was by the same guys who had done Raising Arizona that I loved so much... I would have seen this film 16 years ago. Oh well.
Nothing much else to report. All is well in Sean's world and we are looking forward to the New Year
First Christmas.
I think this may be the first Christmas where I just got everything I wanted even if I did not ask for it. Truly my family and especially my girlfriend went all out to find out what was the right thing for me. They all say I am pretty picky and am hard to shop for so I appreciate the effort and the thoughtfulness put into it. A small sample..
-- A great Winter weather riding outfit for my bicycle. It is waterproof but I am waiting on the next sunny day to try out a little Winter riding.
-- A gorgeous authentic Chinese tea set for 6 in a beautiful box. I wish my grandmother Braun could have seen it she would have loved so much to share tea with Natalie and I.
-- A beautiful Chess/Checkers/Backgammon combo board game. I look forward to many quiet evenings by the fire playing Backgammon and teaching Natalie how to play Chess.
-- A super sharp Columbia Sportswear light jacket that I have already worn 3 times since Christmas.
-- A Bronze and Caribou horn flatware set my grandparents bought in Thailand in 1952. This was handed down to me by one of my aunts for Christmas. Natalies mother was so impressed with it and I am very happy to have it.
Well those are the highlights. Simply great.
New Years.
Always over hyped. One day away and I still have not great plans just a bunch of maybe's. The one New Years I had a really truly planned out and great time was in 1998. I was in San Francisco with a good friend of mine and a girl I was dating. We went to a party that I thought was exhorbitantly expensive (it was for me at the time) but in retrospect it was the time of my life and I may never forget it. Anyhow, whatever you are doing and whatever your plans, Happy New Year to you.
Saw some good movies:
-- Breach: Not nearly as good as I hoped it would be. Passable entertainment. B-
-- The Lookout: MUCH BETTER than I had anticipated. Almost bypassed this one. Of course this is another example of how expectations can set your movie experience. I had such low expectations I was pleasantly suprised. B maybe B+
-- Barton Fink: Yes I had never seen it and always wanted to. Considering I found out after watching that it was a Coen brothers film it is no wonder. Had I a ounce of wits about me in the early 90's and realized it was by the same guys who had done Raising Arizona that I loved so much... I would have seen this film 16 years ago. Oh well.
Nothing much else to report. All is well in Sean's world and we are looking forward to the New Year
i want to learn chess! i'm back from christmas/new year's vacay and i'm hoping this will be a GOOD new year
i go back to school...actually i am four days late, my bad. and i may skip out early tomorrow as well to sneak off to a cottage for the weekend. my toiletries are still, convientently, packed. lol. since all i've done since i have returned is laundry. anyways, be chatting with you again now, soon. ttyl