I have been in work hell since the last time I posted. I have not worked this hard since I did the Emeryworld Wide Airfreight acquisition by UPS. I am just mentally exhausted when I come home at night....

but I think I have the majority of items fixed/repaired/replaced/upgraded tha needed to happen when I ran into issues in late January.

Been thinking about how...
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nice. i think if you've gained some skills no harm in looking around for what's new out there. my cold weather is colder than your cold weather tongue
actually the cake turned out just fine. it tasted good at least. chocolate. for rob's birthday. it is the first cake i have ever baked, and it was from scratch so go me! smile i just needed the icing to cover up some spots tongue
Ahhhh Hard drive failure... it won't happen to me! (Sticks head back in ground)

Oh man,

Just what I needed today. Looks as though I have a hard drive on the verge of collapse. Backups? Yeah right... better get on it.

Started thinking about it though and decided I needed more than just a backup to a DVD or to another hard drive here at...
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sparkely biking gear. i love a man in spandex wink lol. does it get snowy/really cold where u r? cuz i should put up pics of what we have right now. we are running out of places to put all the snow. TO is freakin...
i like the last one best. we were at a wedding and the guys were maing fun cuz they were like "what is this, prom?" when i was trying to get nice photos, so rob bent me over...plus i love my shoes of course but u can't see them. i have funnier ones but, only so much space. i may just add them into blogs
oh it only gets better.... fuck.

5 accounts. Two Roth IRA's, one Traditional IRA, 401K and a standard Brokerage account. I only crawled out of my debt hole about a year or so ago and have been building these accounts up since a little before that.

Down.. down.. down. It is so depressing. Every account is in the negative over all 38% negative 45K dollars......
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Forget the market I think today was my capitulation day. Sigh... fuck. I am down about 40% since October. Jesus Christ Tech is just getting hammered. Today my largest holding got hammered for a 25% loss. Fucking stock trades below the cash value of the company now.

I am definitely in a pissed mood today.
Okay it has been awhile. Holidays, who knew they sucked down all your time. Okay, well pretty much everyone knows that. Hehe.

First Christmas.

I think this may be the first Christmas where I just got everything I wanted even if I did not ask for it. Truly my family and especially my girlfriend went all out to find out what was the right thing...
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i want to learn chess! i'm back from christmas/new year's vacay and i'm hoping this will be a GOOD new year smile i go back to school...actually i am four days late, my bad. and i may skip out early tomorrow as well to sneak off to a cottage for the weekend. my toiletries are still, convientently, packed. lol. since all i've done since i have returned is laundry. anyways, be chatting with you again now, soon. ttyl
The Cat and the Christmas Tree


Today was interesting. Brought the Christmas tree home today and I think Mr. Snuffy just had no idea what to make of this. I am quite certain he has never been close to a tree, or any plant that large of any type. He was mystified. Haha.... it was more fun watching his reaction than decorating the tree!...
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hahahahah cats and christmas trees never quite seem to get along..

or maybe they get along too well..;

Yeah, I guess I'm a little bummed because this is the first time in many years that I have not spent Christmas with my family in Portland. Ah, well. That's life, right?

Hope you and Mr. Snuffy have a cozy little Christmas.

miao!! love

PS: Perhaps you and your lady love can do a post-Christmas Christmas?
Came home from work in a good mood and sat down to watch "300" in all it's 1080P glory on the new home theater system. Simply beautiful. A good movie not a great movie but the cinematography was simply beautiful.

Man, work has been eerily quiet. About half the people in our area have moved out to a new location in Hillsboro where our new...
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Whoa, you host Thanksgiving?! I feel stressed out just participating in the whole, sordid event!! Hanging out with family is equal parts joy and insanity, don't you think?

Upon your recommendation, I am going to check out Fur. I'll view it and give you my humble verdict.

Hope you're having an enjoyable weekend.


PS: When it comes to the work environment, quiet is good. More time for online goldbricking. smile
yes i am very excited to be alex's pretend gf for his christmas party hehe
Oh lord,

What a weekend. blackeyed

But it is over. Or at least for the moment. We shall see how things do or do not come together on Monday. We moved our company datacenter over the weekend, we had outgrown our last one and we had constant problems getting enough power and cooling. We moved to another facility out on the westside of Portland.

Good times....
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don't be sorry, it's true. thanks for your input.

i'm still not clear on what you job is?

but you are the movie buff extrodinaire!
Saw a great movie tonight. "Fur" have you seen it? Definitely worth seeing. Loved it.

Just finished building shelving with glass doors and embedded cd racks into 1/3rd of my den/office. Looks great and I finally have room for all my books, cd's and doo dads in the office. It all looks so grown up! hehe...

Well, initially I was really intrigued by the concept...but, like your friend ladybird, I'm somewhat hesitant to see a broadly fictionalized interpretation of a real person's life -- especially a person that I greatly admire (as is the case with Diane Arbus).

How are you and Mr. Snuffy doing? Life treating you well?

smile miao!!
i know alot of real stories are fictionalized and fudged as to details, but this was a totally fictional portrayl of a real-life person. weird. i just didn't want to watch it. i may be missing a good movie, yes. but i'd rather know the artists real life
So I got really really lucky in the stock market over the last couple of months, making a bet on a stock that has gone up about 600% since August. Hey it is not all good... I lost a huge chunk of money on this same stock in 2001 but that money is gone to me now.

So, with my windfall I paid some bills,...
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whoa your blog is alot of tech-talk, i have my dad for that stuff. i'm glad things went well for you this time. i'd love to invest some moeny for upcoming school costs, but i don't want to lose it, so for now it sits. doing nothing. sighs. because even safe stocks aren't doing the best right now, my dad says. i know nothing about money either. geeze i lead a sheltered life...
hehehe yeah. he was really pushing the envelope talking about his friend's girlfriend's boobs this one night. so when the friend said he wanted to see mine, i'm doing rob a huge favour by holing out so he can see mel's. fair trade, no? especially since i could be pissed off and jealous with all his talk of her chest. jeeze.
Okay so I play computer games. Yeah what of it? smile I have been playing online RPG (think Dungeons and Dragons) games for the last 6 years or so. I have also been playing RTS (real time strategy... think controlling manipulating armies and economies) for a few years.

But I am burnt out on them. Not excited to play anymore. I enjoy but I need a...
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Re. the Sony PS3: Sounds like the mother of all "home entertainment" systems. I'm afraid that's about all I can say on the matter as I am a total putz when it comes to things of a technical/mechanical nature. smile

I've dabbled a bit in RPG stuff, which can be rather fun. As to the the first person shooter games? Fugettaboutit!
My hand-eye coordination BLOWS.

Good luck in your quest for multi-media nirvana!
Well... welll... well... now this is what I had been looking for. I wondered for so long ( pushing towards 7 years now) what kind of society we live in. Certainly not a democracy any longer when one of the major ways Republicans have held onto power over the last 8 years is via their best efforts at voter suppression.

And why they would love...
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Yes, I would like to see everyone just move on. I hope I'm not perpetuating the drama.. just trying to end it all and move on.