Even in the sour economy it looks like the risk I took moving into a poorer neighborhood in Portland is still paying off. Was a big change moving into North Portland but now that I am settled I could not be happier. Keeping my eyes out for a lot to try and buy to build a larger and longer term house for myself down the...
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I am always ready for more.

Glad we are now friends. Thanks for the request.
LOL too hot for hot tubs in the daytime for sure!
Hunker down, good times headed our way care of deregulation and the fucking shrub we called president the last 8 years.

Debt, Mortgages, Fannie, Freddie, Inflation, how much fun is that?
I have my own in home child care yes. I started it in the middle of May. I was a preschool teacher for like six years before that.
It's been really great. I usually jump into all new ideas with both feet, so no regrets. I just bought my own house in November, so there have been lots of changes in my life. But I am ready for more.
Bored... bored.. bored..

That is what happens sometimes with this work from home thing. My projects have been put on hold so I have very little work today. I can only imagine how bored I would be if I was actually in the office!

Hopefully the budget purse strings will loosen a bit in the near future and I can move forward on my projects....
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Conservative? Christian? Hero's of the Republican Party?

All these men were celebrated that way on their passing....

Senator Jesse Helms, Senator Strom Thurmond, Govenor Lester Maddox.

Exactly why this party is now only favored by 36% of the population and losing more people like me all the time. Add Racist, and Bigot to the tag lines for these men. They leave nothing to be honored...
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Rockefeller Republicans for Obama!!

I recently decided I had to do something to help change the way things were going, to not just sit back and watch elections or vote my single vote but try to help move the cause. I have been what I would term a Progressive Rockefeller Republican most of my life. But the GOP does not reflect me or my values...
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Then you would definitely get the cat. wink
And uh, compared to most girls on this site, I'm an old lady... almost 27!! Yes the job is great, I love it.
And my new boyfriend is exactly what I need. What a relief! Haha. XOXO
Hurray for rationality in the Republican Party!! There's hope for you lot yet! wink

You should check out the writings of Kevin Phillips. He's a conservative/Republic insider who has pretty much broken with the party. A really, really fascinating guy.

Hope all's well with you and Mr. Snuffy! smile


Whew.. a couple of new films to look over here.

First. Solaris. No not the crappy remake with George Clooney. The Original.

So after seeing "Stalker" I wanted to see another Russian Soviet Era piece and I went back to the same director and what appears to be his response to Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey". The only space faring nations locked in a mortal...
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Stalker. Lord, what a piece of art.

I think I started out being interested in this film as it was filmed at the height of the cold war and being old enough to even remember the cold war I was curious what type of film was being made in the Soviet Union while we were supposed to be hating them so much.

Simply wonderful.

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I find it ironic that the most fundamental of religious sects continually strive to find ways to prove Darwin correct.

The stupid will kill out their line given enough time. Well unless they breed faster. Hmmm...

A little education could go a long way
Oh lord, the words you never want to hear at 35K feet. "Is there a doctor on the plane?" yes it is not a hollywood cliche I lived it... too many hours into too many flights yesterday and someone was having serious problems. From the description and from what I know it sounded to me like congestive heart failure...

we were diverted to Colorado Springs...
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It's the Cat Sitter DVD Vol. I

Louie loves it!

Yikes! Sounds like you had quite the plane ride! Air travel is stressful enough without unexpected medical emergencies and diversions to strange places like Colorado Springs!


Check this out -- I think you'll appreciate it:
Dang I should update more. Ever since I started a blog over on Vox I hardly update here any longer. Of course nobody looks at that one so what the hell.... and since I did not keep up to snuff here I let my friends list wither with time and inattention.

Sigh... too much internet too little time.

So far digging my new work from...
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Hey, bub...I read your blog. And as far as friends go, quality over quantity! smile

I can relate, as my updates happen about every two months or so!

All the best...from one lazy-ass to another. wink

We are all Keynsians on the way down.

Keynes, government regulation and even a little socialism definitely had it's time. There was a general malaise with pure market economies after the pure hands off approach that did little to help anyone during the Great Depression, leading to Facism and WWII... the government directed the economy during the war and people wanted some of that direction...
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Thanks for the b.day wishes, my friend.

Re. being "born" in 1919: I guess if you're gonna lie about your age, lie BIG. biggrin

Road trip was super. I'll try to get motivated and post some pics in my oh-so neglected journal. Some really jaw-dropping scenery.

Well, hope you're enjoying springtime in P-Town. smile

Sincerely, thank you for your comment.
My Mom is coming up for a week to help me settle into my new place (once I get it) and kimchee making is definitely on the list of things that help me get settled. XOXO
I encourage you all to follow this advice. smile

you are so sweet. when you get rich, call me up and i'll be on my way down to mooch off you and paint pretty pictures the rest of my life. you can be my suga daddy lol. i can't drink anymore it makes me too sleepy...yawnnn...yeah those stupid people with no problems don't know shit haha. i will work on that book for ya. nah i have another montage/series/painting or photography idea i didn't go into from the weekend as well. it would take too long to type. but i think it would be good.
i can make friends tongue