Woo Hoo.

Much to do, off to the airport at 2:45am tonight. But will arrive nice and early and have the full day in front of me. I have not had a real vacation in about 4 years so I am very much looking forward to this one.

Vacation Land
Wow... FU.. lol not even joking!
Ya I need to go to a place like that for sure... Well dont have to much fun!
This is the whole dang reason I bought my PS3 last year when I thought this game was going to come out... one year later as usual it is on the way. Cannot wait!

Little Big Planet

It will give me something to do as I give up my Summer Reading Bench. Last year I landscaped my little front yard and incorporated a little park...
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hey how are you? i kinda just decided to keep working hard and stay at my own place. i love my place, sometimes, when im loney i hate it, but its worth it. I just got to keep making more money some how!!
Hey! Thanks for the comment! Ive been hitting the gym hard and keeping my meals in check. I cant belive Ive lost so much this quick but hard work goes a long way I guess
Two year shakedown and the Trainspotting Toilet.

So I bought my new house about two and a half years ago now and for the most part we are very happy with the home, our neighborhood and our neighbors. Thing was when I bought a brand new house I figured I would have less hassles than a older house. Probably true, but it surely did not...
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With the election in a dead heat from Mid August to day it is likely that the debates will be the impetus for a big swing, though the recent issues on Wall Street are bringing the economy back to the forefront and that is a strong issue for Obama. If Obama makes his case on a stage vs. McCain during the debates then he will...
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Yes, I was already an SG. it is interesting, isn't it?
With 15 years in the restaurant business I am not easiy impressed by restaurants so they have to be doing some really right to get my attention. There are a few in Portland that have over the last few years and last night I hit another. Simply a perfect evening out on their patio on a wonderful September evening. The food was perfect, service beyond...
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Hey guy!! smile

Lucier sounds scrumptious. I'll have to check it out next time I'm in town.

It was a nice visit, by the way. Altogether too short, though. Can't get over how much inner-southeast has changed. Condos and chi-chi shops everywhere!

As to your question regarding home-buying and Denver neighborhoods, I guess the first area that springs to mind is Five Points. It's quite similar to Irvington and other sections of NE Portland, only somewhat less gentrified. You'd definitely have to be in urban pioneering-mode, if you were to move there.

As I'm not what you'd call an expert on these matters, I'll go ahead and consult my significant other, who has lived here for 20 years, and get back to you.
its gonna be total pounds which is gonna make it hard for the two skinnier people in the group. This is only gonna be the first step though. Im picking up a bicycle today!
What is an Islamist? To me an Islamist is someone who wants to return to a fundamental form of Islam and infuse into the politics of their country.

We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to fight, and demonize these people and and in large measure for good reason.

But how come we are spending so much to do that abroad but so blind...
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Ahhh holiday weekend... how quickly you have left me in your wake and returned me to the cold bitter hardness of the cube life. Sigh... thank heaven for working from home half time!

Nothing fun to report. Quiet weekend, a BBQ, two 20mile + bike rides, yard work... yard work... yard work, prep deck to be sealed for the winter, a great book (The Yiddish...
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I still haven't been to Astoria. I have some friends who moved there and are restoring an old Victorian house so they can eventually open a B&B, so I need to get out there one of these days to visit them. It would be good to see the ocean again.
LOL i understand why u dont have any sympathy for such things...
Curse you TNT... I don't know what it is but every couple of months TNT plays the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in HD across Fri/Sat/Sun... actually I think on Sunday they play all three.

Do you know how many times I have seen these movies? And yet... for some reason I cannot resist, hours of my weekend disapeer in what seems to be an...
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hello, thank you for the kind words. im hanging in there, but you are right ! your 20's are a confusing time... !!
Haha... Do you watch the movies/tv on Hulu? I don't even have regular TV right now!
Thanks for reading that ramble. I really needed to get it all out.
I've never been to Portland, I guess most of the people I click with on SG live there... I wonder what that means, ha.
And yeah I'm having sex, and I'll be having more sex and it's not with a boyfriend because I'm not ready for that but dang sex is good. smile
The polaroids will be fun I think, we'll see. Maybe I"ll scan them. wink XO
MMMM BBQ. Korean, Hawaiin or Standard Fare. I am hungry... this working from home things rocks on a stormy thunder strewn day like today.

Now off to find the good eats.
I know right. Some people's kids. I tell ya.

I love stormy days!!!!
Korean is my fave. smile
I'm going to Seattle next weekend and I read up on the great Korean restaurants they have. That part of the trip is planned out already!
Things only a political junkie with a heart for statistics could love. But it does clearly point out why the young don't matter as much as the old in elections and really have not for a long time.

So get out and vote dammit. Shit! smile

Voting numbers by age across 2000 and 2004 election cycles
The steak was awesome.

And cute....no....GORGEOUS!!!! I'll have to post more pics of him. *sigh*
For years I have been wanting to do the Bridgepedal but something always gets in the way. Damn August and it's family reunions and weddings!!! smile

But this year I put all else aside and said I was going no matter what. All signed up and ready to go for the big day. Woo Hoo! Bridgepedal

Saw a good movie the other day. I think I...
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Yeah I guess I meant condo, ha. I don't know the difference; wink
Amen to wisdom with out the hassles. And strength too, without the challenges while you're at it.
Good advice and I'm listening to all of it.
Thanks for being so sweet. smile XO
hey old friend, how you been?
Been using the AC a lot less this year, mostly because I just like the fresh breezes through the windows and the fan blowing cool air through the room in the evenings. But then again I am not covered in Orange Fur! While a 85 degree day may seem a bit warm to me and I might be inclined to crank the AC if it...
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I'd love to start commuting to work, but there is a giant hill between home and work, so I have to build up to it. smile The Kona is great so far, although getting used to the disk brakes has taken a little bit of time. The weather is gorgeous, all I want to do is ride.
It's the hill between Sellwood and Lewis & Clark College, either Taylors Ferry Road or the Riverview Cemetary, both of which are daunting for someone who's just getting back into riding. Someday, I will conquer it though.