Hello and Happy Easter!!
This journal entry is a tribute to Easter...kind-of.
The tv networks have decided to put on themed programs that are in-line with the spirit of Easter; namely they showed 'The Passion Of The Christ' last night (don't worry---I didn't watch it).
So!! I have decided to consrtuct my own 'The Passion Of The...' in a most delightful and yummy way....
The Passion Of The Fluff
The Passion Of The Hotttttt
***In other news.....***
Had a hookup amidst yesterday's glorious weather in the garden at the Erko
Was a grand turn-out of happy SGAU people
I was so 'happy' I slurred, crowed, giggled, shrieked, clapped and babbled...........all thanks in part to vodka.
You see what happens when I have sugar-water topped by nasssty alcohol????!! Don't say I didn't warn you..
Props to Steven for organising a fantastic and totally mind-blowing Darkness concert....well organising the tickets etc for the said gig
You made my Easter!!
Thanks also for the great company and for supporting my Justin-touching aspirations hahaaahahahahahah
In other, other news, the SGAU Ball is rapidly approaching.........yay!!
Hope all is well---long weekends rule!! xxB/L
This journal entry is a tribute to Easter...kind-of.
The tv networks have decided to put on themed programs that are in-line with the spirit of Easter; namely they showed 'The Passion Of The Christ' last night (don't worry---I didn't watch it).
So!! I have decided to consrtuct my own 'The Passion Of The...' in a most delightful and yummy way....

The Passion Of The Fluff

The Passion Of The Hotttttt

***In other news.....***
Had a hookup amidst yesterday's glorious weather in the garden at the Erko

Was a grand turn-out of happy SGAU people

I was so 'happy' I slurred, crowed, giggled, shrieked, clapped and babbled...........all thanks in part to vodka.

You see what happens when I have sugar-water topped by nasssty alcohol????!! Don't say I didn't warn you..

Props to Steven for organising a fantastic and totally mind-blowing Darkness concert....well organising the tickets etc for the said gig

You made my Easter!!
Thanks also for the great company and for supporting my Justin-touching aspirations hahaaahahahahahah

In other, other news, the SGAU Ball is rapidly approaching.........yay!!

Hope all is well---long weekends rule!! xxB/L

hey missy...how's stuff?

Titter Titter