He looked a wee bit furtive, I must say. And slightly harrassed, but that's the standard look of anyone trying to make their way through Edinburgh's ignorant streets. As for the pillows - hmmm - I dunno. But if his next book's called The Pillowsnatcher, I'm going to wish I'd tackled him - as he'd obviously nicked them from some old woman. The swine.
Not that I've ever read any of his books.
Sure you'll think of something to do. I'd give you suggestions, but I don't know what you've done previously... There must be something that's been on your list for long and weary...
Not that I've ever read any of his books.
Sure you'll think of something to do. I'd give you suggestions, but I don't know what you've done previously... There must be something that's been on your list for long and weary...