Tuesday Oct 11, 2005 Oct 11, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Pssst! Check out the scrummy Zhang Ziyi as Bai-Ling in the heart-meltingly brilliant '2046'........... VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS morgannahh: hi there....yes very obsessed with the cure...probably Wish is my fave album closely followed by disintergration..... My camera cost me $799 from harvey norman, 2 years interest free...yeah baby..I am very fixated on taking pics of my kittes.. Oct 11, 2005 damnation_game: for she is a walking wet dream i went with a mate and his wife the close ups freaked her out a little and so did the violin .. i was just sitting there dribbling.. mesmerized Oct 11, 2005
My camera cost me $799 from harvey norman, 2 years interest free...yeah baby..I am very fixated on taking pics of my kittes..
i went with a mate and his wife the close ups freaked her out a little and so did the violin